Grey Knights & Thousand Sons Codex 40k Books Revealed

Grey-Knight-Thousands-sons-codex-wal-horGet ready for epic psychic battles as the Grey Knights & Thousand Sons 40k codex books have been revealed!

Warhammer Community just inveiled the new books at the bottom of the points drop post. We saw the teaser during Warhammer Fest, but now we know for sure, not that there was really much doubt… They say the books were already supposed to be out by now, but with all the slowdowns that didn’t happen. So they say to look for the books and the new box in the coming months.

They didn’t say exactly when, but it would make sense for them to drop after the Sisters and Orks get their day in the sun. Let’s check out the initial reveal then get into the new books!

A Storm is Coming


Codex TeasersIt seems like two powerfully psychic forces are preparing to clash in an upcoming battle box. But the warp is fickle, and you’ll need to wait a little bit longer to find out exactly what’s going on here. 

Not sure if it will be a daemon release along with the Thousand Sons or not, but the preview did show a Tzaangor so there’s a chance it is. There’s also that is the Infernal Master, which will be a new unit in the codex. Either way, grabbing a new battle box for both these factions is going to be pretty sweet.

Codex TeasersOn the flip side of the box will be the Grey Knights, so get ready to slay some psykers and hopefully grab some new minis. They may only be getting one character, but it’s better than nothing.

Codex Teasers


CrowePardon? Castellan Crowe? We’ve never heard of this man in our lives, and we have it on good authority that there’s no such thing as a ‘Grey Knight’. Sit still, and we’ll send along one of our helpful Inquisitors to show you exactly where you were mistaken.

Looks like Crowe will be the new character for the Grey Knights coming in the box. Honestly, he’s needed an update for some time, so we’re excited to see him included.

Grey Knights & Thousand Sons Codex 40k Books Revealed

grey knights & thousand Sons revealedAs you’ll see in the Munitorum Field Manual MkII, the Thousand Sons are also getting a new HQ choice called an Infernal Master. Sounds ominous, right? We’ll have more on this mysterious new addition to the sons of Magnus nearer to their codex’s release, so keep a third eye out for them on Warhammer Community.

For now, you can download the updated point values for the Thousand Sons and Grey Knights using the button below. These points values cater for all the units from both of these factions, and they are designed to be used alongside their current codexes until their new books arrive.

A lot of GK and T Sons players took a look at the points and judging from comments they didn’t see many changes from the current ones, but if you want to see everything, you can download them here for yourself.

GW didn’t say anything else about the battle box yet but did mention a new character called the Infernal Master, so we expect this to be like the Ad Mech release with one new character for each faction.

piety and pain contentsWith Grey Knights getting Crowe and the Thousand Sons getting the Infernal Master. With that in mind, we also expect the box to be something very similar to Piety and Pain, with both new characters in it, some troops and vehicles, and then they will be released on their own later. 

Are you excited about the new books? Do you think the box will be a good value?

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