Grombrindal: Cast In The Resin Previously Know As Finecast?

White Dwarf GrombrindalThe 40th Anniversary of White Dwarf will be in everyone’s hands shortly. But to our surprise the Grombrindal anniversary mini is made from Finecast?

Scanner received his collectors edition with the Grombrindal and sent us a pic of the sprues, and they’re Finecast. Let’s take a look.Grombrindal Sprues

The Grombrindal kit is four sprues, with thirteen pieces, not including the base. Doesn’t seem to be anything too difficult to get put together and painted, we’re looking forward to seeing your finished minis. But it appears to be made from the resin material previously know as Finecast.

As we’ve seen in the past with other limited minis, I.E. Cannoness and Captain Centos, hobbyist  have report that they’re still having some issues with this material, but it still remains GW’s go to material for limited edition release runs.sistersofbattlecannonessveridyan03

And in case you missed the official announcement from Games Workshop on the White Dwarf 40th Anniversary here it is.

You see, the venerable old tome has reached 40. That’s right – White Dwarf was first published in 1977, and this month celebrates its 40th anniversary. As you can imagine, this special occasion demands a special White Dwarf, which the Warhammer Community Team have asked me to tell you a bit more about here.

So, how do you celebrate a milestone like this? Well, the first place to start is with the cover –

WD May 2017 Content

– where we have Grombrindal, the White Dwarf himself, celebrating in rather furious style. (And what is that he’s wearing? More on this below…) That’s just the start, though. We’ve given the issue over to a celebration of four decades of White Dwarf and its evolution into the Ultimate Warhammer Magazine it is today.

John Blanche Interview Spread Content

Way back at the end of 1977, issue 4 of White Dwarf featured a cover by one John Blanche. John has been involved with White Dwarf, Games Workshop and Citadel Miniatures ever since, so what better occasion to talk to the great man himself. On top of that we had John pick out his favourite pieces of Games Workshop art over the years in Illuminations. It’s a real treat.

Grombrindal 40 Mini Content

Over the years, Grombrindal has become the embodiment of White Dwarf, so to commemorate this special anniversary the folks in the Citadel and Forge World design teams have produced not one but two special Grombrindal miniatures! The first, which you can pre-order this weekend (that’s Saturday 29th April for any latecomers) is the aptly named Grombrindal: White Dwarf’s 40th Birthday, with the White Dwarf himself joining in the celebrations in a rather remarkable suit of Mk. XXXXXX power armour!

Grombrindal Black Gobbo Content

On top of that, the Forge World design team have been working hard to bring Grombrindal and his arch-nemesis, the Black Gobbo, to Blood Bowl pitches everywhere! You can get your hands on this special pair of Star Players first of all at Warhammer Fest at the end of May, and look for a full release later in the year. You’ll find full rules for both Star Players in May’s White Dwarf, too.

This is a big milestone for any company to reach and Games Workshop is doing a great job at celebrating it. Grombrindal has been the face of White Dwarf and they’re going to showcase that by giving us two new minis, one for Blood Bowl featuring his arch-nemisis, the Black Gobo, and then the drinking, celebrating mini to commemorate the 40th anniversary.

We can’t wait to see what the rest of this issue holds for us. It will be in stores and in your mailboxes in just a few days.

What are your thoughts on the Finecast limited edition minis? Let us know in the comments below.


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