YouTuber Makes RC Warhammer 40k Tank With Real Flamethrowers

epic sax marineDon’t miss this insane remote-controlled (RC) Land Raider that can be driven around and use a real flamer to melt other Warhammer 40k minis!

Not only does Groundeffected show off how awesome the actual model is, but he also shows how to make it. Plus, he even has the 3D files used for free! So, it is 100% possible for anyone to take this project on! This is one of the coolest conversions we’ve seen in a while because who doesn’t want to drive their tanks around the table? We sure do!

He does, however make a very responsible WARNING; Flamerthrowers are dangerous, and making them on PLASTIC is very irresponsible, so maybe don’t try that part if you want to make the RC Land Raider.

Groundeffected Makes RC Warhammer 40k Tank With Real Flamethrowers

Now, let’s get into the main features!

First off, the speaker is essential. With the Saxophone marine on top, we will need to hear his majestic tunes!

rc land raider swivle turrets

Next, he adds a working turret swivel, which required a lot of Dremmel work, glue, and 3d printing!

rc land raider track servos

The next section of features included the motors for the tracks, doors, and turrets, giving the Land Raider all the moving parts and the power to do so. This is the heart of the RC Land Raider and the biggest part of creating the RC Land Raider of our dreams.

land raider working flamer

Those Necrons didn’t stand a chance against the might of the RC Razorback that Groundeffected made before, but this is an entirely new level. The mini was literally destroyed!

With the major features made and working, he adds power, and the receiver to remotely control the Land Raider!

Now let’s check out the finished mini with all the features packed in!

Epic Sax Space Marine 2

Leeroy Plambeck made the original meme Saxophone Marine meme, but this might actually be better, and Groundeffected just really kills it with the amazing conversions!

Just look at this glorious Land Raider strolling through Ultramar on its own will (well, or that of the remote)! How can you see this and not just love it? We really can’t find a good reason.

Epic Sax Space Marine 3Yes, those are real flames coming out of the model! We’re not sure if this is fair on the tabletop (as the flame attacks will be hard to roll for), but you know you might have to give up if this comes rolling toward your army!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the build details for this remote-controlled (RC) Warhammer 40k Land Raider, and to see it drive around!

Building the Coolest RC Warhammer Land Raider Tank with Working Flamethrower | Epic Sax Guy

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