Guardsman Why Do You Cry? – EO Guest Comic!

By Richard McKey | September 21st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Web Comic

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Guard don’t cry.The only things they secrete are blood, sweat, and promethium (if you ever actually secrete promethium, see a medic immediately).

They’re salt, hard-bitten, trench-digging, xenos-hating, bayonet-thrusting, born warriors. There’s nothing that would ever make a guardsman-


*sniff* Nothing to see here Guardsman, carry on…

Our guest illustrator this week is Sam Cleggett! I love his style, especially in this comic. The old school black-and-white and the grainy quality to it reminds me of the illustrations in some of the 3rd-4th edition Guard books, especially the Catachans supplement.

If you like Sam’s art you can find more of it on his website! He does commissions! Sam Cleggett’s Page

As you were, Ordinaries!

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