Guess Who the Next Model Primarch Mini Is?

Fulgrim the Illuminator is set to release from Forge World at their exclusive upcoming Horus Heresy Weekender.

If the whole model is anything like the preview picture, I’m sure this figure will be an instant classic.

Loken (from 40k Apocalypse posted this up, I guess it was an email update or such from Forge World!

If you like the look of the Primarchs, checkout these cool minis as well!

Forge World Releases Fulgrim!

Posted by Loken

Forge World has released the first image of its upcoming Fulgrim model, to be released at The Horus Heresy Weekender.
We only get a close up shot of the purple prince, but it doesn’t fail to impress.  There are also an event only Davinite Seprent Lodge Priest and the Black Library Book The Imperial Truth.  Both of these items will be event only.

Thank God I am going to The Horus Heresy Weekender!  I want all of these!

And if youa re going, drop me a line at alec (at) diceofwar (dot) com and lets grab a pint at Bugman’s!
