GW Accidentally Reveals Wrath & Rapture Box Set Contents

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Daemon players rejoice, it looks like Khorne and Slaanesh are getting a ton of new and existing models as the contents for the new wrath and Rapture starter set have been revealed.

Slaanesh and Khorne are getting more support in the Wrath and Rapture box with new characters and updated models.

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard on this though, check out these earlier previews before we dive into the latest from the Vigilus Open Day.

Karanak & Herald of Slaanesh Spotted at Vigilus Open

Daemons have been the talk of the town after the first Wrath and Rapture previews. The Vigilus Open shed even more light on what’s to come.

Along with the models that we’ve already seen previewed, two new models emerged and one is confirmed from a rumor!

hound of khorne

A Khorne Flesh Hound with three heads looks almost like an ode to Cerberus… KARANAK IS BACK.




Check out these case shots from hobby hero Garro

wrath and rapture


wrath and rapture 2


wrath and rapture 3

There’s that model of the Daemonette playing the harp on a guy’s skin. FINALLY. This unit has been revolving around so many rumors lately and she’s finally been spotted.  GW called her “The new herald of Slaanesh”. We aren’t sure if she’ll have a name or if that’s just the updated model of an old unit.

Now it looks like the very video above held the secrets to the contents of the box set!  Right around the end of the video with a little luck, you can pause the box set flip to reveal this gem:

Wrath & Rapture box set contents units

So from this, it looks like the box will contain the following units, both new and old, including fluff books and what may be tokens or markers of some sort?

Looks like a great lineup for any aspiring Daemon player out there, or anyone trying to score some of the amazing new hounds, fiends or characters! The biggest question now is, how much will it cost?

What do you think about the new models inside Wrath & Rapture? Do you think the Herald of Slaanesh will have a name? Which faction will you be playing? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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