GW Announces 40k Pariah & New Characters Pre-Order!

By Andrew Schrank | June 21st, 2020 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

daemonifuge 20th anniv epheral sternGW just announced 40k Psychic Awakening Pariah is going up for pre-order, as the final chapter of 8th edition comes to a close, plus new character models!

Warhammer Community just let us in on what’s going up on pre-order for the Pariah story arch pre-order. We saw the teasers for some of these a while back, now its time for them to hit shelves! Let’s check out what all is on the way to pre-order on June 27th.

Psychic Awakening: Pariah

PA PariahPariah comes in a lavish collector’s edition, featuring a luxury soft-touch cover and four short stories first seen on the Warhammer Community website.

Pa Pariah standar editions

The final chapter of the Psychic Awakening saga also comes in a standard hardback and ePub version.

As is expected you can choose between the limited collector’s edition, a normal hardcover, or an e-book. If you want the collectors, pick it up quick! It’s only a matter of time before they get snatched up.

Illuminor Szeras

Illuminor SzerasFirst up is Illuminor Szeras, the genius/maniac (delete as applicable) behind Necron biotransference. Now he stalks the galaxy seeking the secrets of life and new ways to augment Necron technology. He’s been working on his own body since we last saw him – it’s now larger, features some mysterious black stone, and grants him the ability to manipulate energy at the atomic level.

You may notice he has a striking resemblance to the new line of Necrons we got a peek at, inside the 9th edition starter box. Perhaps he will buff some of his new Necron buddies? Or maybe he will be a selfish lone-wolf style character…

Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus

Lord Inquisitor Kyria DraxusDraxus is accompanied by a strange familiar, Shang, from the mysterious species known as Wyvachs. They possess a deep psychic bond, and it’s said that Draxus can see through the eyes of the winged creature.

Draxus is very much an Inquisitor and seems to have taken some serious inspiration from the Eldar based on her weapon of choice. She also is hinted to having very unique rules regarding Shang, her pet Wyvach.

Ephrael Stern & Kyganil, The Pariah

Ephrael Stern and KyganilStern was once a Seraphim from the Order of Our Martyred Lady, apparently slain by the followers of a Slaaneshi Greater Daemon. However, her service to the God-Emperor did not end in death, and since her resurrection, she’s been called both a saint and a heretic. Bound to Stern by the strands of fate is Kyganil, who was once a Harlequin. Now, this pair of outcasts cut a swathe through the galaxy, fighting the forces of Chaos wherever they find them.

Potentially the most unique characters coming out of this are Ephrael Stern and Kyganil. Will you be able to take one and not the other? They may also provide some unique options to armies, but hopefully, they can integrate into armies as seamlessly as possible, and we don’t have another Talons of the Emperor situation again.

What do you think about these new releases for Pariah coming to pre-order? Are you excited for any of these characters return to 40k? Or do you just want to know the new rules coming?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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