New GW Previews Announced For Warhammer 40k & More

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openGW just announced new previews are on the way for Gen Con this week- check out what we may be seeing revealed for the Warhammer hobby!

It feels like it’s been a while since we’ve had a big preview and since these will be coming from Gen Con, we expect them to be big. They didn’t give the date of the preview yet, but we expect it to be either this Thursday or Friday night.

Warhammer Community just unveiled the new preview teaser. They say there will be new boxed sets, models, and books so we have some ideas of what will be shown, but we’ll just have to wait and see on that. Let’s check out the teaser more.

New GW Previews Announced For Warhammer 40k & More

gen con preview 2Gen Con is one of the biggest tabletop gaming events in the world, held over four days between the 16th and the 19th of September in Indianapolis, IN. We’ll be attending the convention, and we’re bringing the big guns with us. 

That’s right – there’ll be new models, boxed sets, and books for Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Underworlds, Kill Team, Blood Bowl and more. 

Pretty much all the big games other than AoS are going to grab a reveal, but it makes sense as the release of the most recent Sigmar miniatures has slowed to multiple waves each week.

As we said, we think this will happen Thursday or Friday night, but keep your eyes peeled for an official announcement coming soon.

gen con previewDon’t panic if you can’t make it in person – Indianapolis is a long way for a lot of people after all – we’ll be bringing you all the announcements.

Over the course of the event, we’ll share all of the juicy details as they happen – each new revelation a tasty morsel in a buffet of brilliance spread across the next few days. 

We expect for 40k this to be filled with Black Templars reveals, but either way, we don’t have too long to wait now!

All the Newest GW Model Previews

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