GW Announces New Warhammer Cereal: Aquilos!

aquilos walWould you believe that GW is broadening their horizons even beyond tabletop games and movies? Check out the new Warhammer Cereal!

We knew GW has done some pretty risky things in the past. From resurrecting their old specialist games to even producing short films. But we never thought they would drop their own line of cereal. Check out what’ll be hitting the stores once this social distancing thing is all over.

Coming from Warhammer Community: 

GW Announces New Warhammer Cereal: Aquilos!

Free from nutrients and flavor, Aquilos!

If the 40k universe had Aquilos, they’d be the perfect side to go with your daily ration of corpse starch. After all, we know that flavor entices the mind to think beyond the Emperor’s guidance (and we can’t have that)! 

Now, if the Drukhari side of you is coming out and you want to stimulate your senses, why not slap a little sugar on the flakes before you ride out into the sunset for your next tabletop game? Honestly, if you’re not eating Aquilos before a tournament then what are you doing with your life?

Hopefully, by now you’ve realized this is one big April Fools joke with a lot of work put into it. In all reality, if you muted the video and watched the commercial (aside from the part where the guy’s face gets covered in cereal) you’d think it was a real commercial.

aquilos 1When you eat cereal, do you pour the milk, then cereal? Do you even use a bowl? Does Perturabo seem like the kind of guy to use the last of the milk and not tell anyone about it? 

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