GW Announces New Path To Glory Campaign

stormcast on dracoth sigmar

Games Workshop just announced a new standalone Path to Glory campaign for Age of Sigmar. Come take a look at the newest campaign update.

Games Workshop is set to release the new Generals Handbook later this year and it will not include the Path to Glory campaign. The campaign will now be in its own standalone book, and will include rules for three new factions.

Very soon, you’ll have your chance to get your hands on Path to Glory and create rich, progression-driven campaigns in the Mortal Realms. There’s also some great new ways to start your warband or even begin a new army – come back soon to find out more.

Path To Glory

This raised a couple questions for the community on the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Facebook page, and GW replied to one that caught our eye.

Path to Glory GW Comment

So it’s looking like Path to Glory is going to be a Skirmish type campaign without monsters just like in the first handbook for Age of Sigmar. The first announcement that the Path to Glory campaign was going to become a standalone book came last month when GW announced the new General’s Handbook Vol 2.

Narrative players are about to get really spoilt. With Path to Glory soon to become its own stand-alone expansion, this section has been freed up for a huge amount of new content in the 2017 edition. Highlights include rules for siege warfare in the Mortal Realms and Time of War battlefield rules for locations in every realm (even the one’s we haven’t been to yet!).

AoS Gen Handbook 2017 Cover

Here’s to hoping we’ll see a ton of more factions in this one! Plus are those new start collecting boxes on the way for Kharadron, Beastclaws, and Slaanesh (gasp!). Those symbols may be a clue for sure!

Path To Glory Wal How

So which one are we going to see first? The General’s Handbook or the Path to Glory Campaign? With very little details about the new campaign book, Games Workshop has left a lot of things unknown. Hopefully we’re getting closer to a bigger reveal.

What do you think about the announcement of the new Path to Glory standalone book announcement? Is there anything in particular you’re hoping to see fixed? Let us know in the comments below.

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