GW August Release Lineup & Pricing CONFIRMED

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Get your hobby dollars ready because we’ve got a new list of releases for 40k’s Necromunda and Age of Sigmar that are coming out with their prices!

Exciting times are ahead for multiple gaming avenues at Games Workshop, as more 40k Necromunda, along with new releases for Age of Sigmar are on the horizon. Get ready for more Nighthaunt and Stormcast to be hitting the tabletop as well!

The big question is, will Adeptus Titancius be up next in the release queue? We’ll know in just one short week!

Check out the prices that are coming from multiple retailers on the newest releases into the hobby world.

Gang War 4 $30.00

gang war 4 gaming supplement New Necromunda & AoS Pre-order For August!


Gang War 4 – the latest expansion to your games, featuring a host of new content and some exciting hints at what the future may hold. We’ll be previewing Gang War 4 on Monday, but for now, we can confirm that you’ll find brutes – super-sized gangers like the “Arachni-rig” servo suit and Cawdor Stig-shambler, as well as rules for Necromunda’s first psykers!

One particularly exciting feature of Gang War 4 is the Dominion Campaign, a new way to play your campaigns that focuses on vicious turf wars over special territories and terrain. To help you keep track of this, we’re releasing a special set of Dominion territory cards that make mustering your turf simple:

House Cawdor Gang $40.00

cawdor gang

Cawdor-Themed Dice $12.50


House Cawdor Gang Cards $15.00

gang cards

If you’re an Age of Sigmar player and you’re feeling a little left out after the big release of the new edition… fear not!

Even more new models are coming your way!

Evocators on Celestial Dracolines $60.00


Lord Ordinator $35.00

lord ordinator

Nighthaunt players, meanwhile, can order an alternative Lord Executioner as well as the Bladegheist Revenants and Dreadscythe Harridans, allowing you to choose just which form of grisly, bladed death you have in mind for your foes…

Liekeron the Executioner $25.00

lord executioner

Bladegheist Revenants $45.00


Dreadscythe Harridans $45.00


Games Workshop has been steady at work with previews and pumping out product into the hobby community. With even more releases into Age of Sigmar and Necromunda, What will you be stocking up on next?

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More upcoming releases from Games Workshop