GW Buffs Guard Tanks & New Mordian Rules

Astra Militarum Mordian Iron Guard Chimera GuardGames Workshop just gave us another Codex: Astra Militarum teaser. Come take a look at some of the new rules for the Mordian regiment, and the Leman Russ.

GW just gave us our second preview of Codex: Astra Militarum. The new codex will feature rules for 8 regiments. Regimental Doctrines will work along the same line as Chapter Tactics, Legion Traits, and forge world Dogmas. The Regimental Doctrines will reflect the strengths of each regiment and the different fighting styles of the Astra Militarum. Let see what they had to say about Mordian.

Astra Militarum Mordian

The Mordians, Iron Guard, are best known for their defensive capabilities and high level of discipline. From the looks of the latest preview that will now be reflected on the tabletop. Every great offense starts with a great defense, which is exactly what we’re seeing with Parade Drill.

Astra Militarum Mordian Doctrine Parade Drill

From humble Conscripts to even the Baneblade, there are few units that don’t benefit from this rule.

Maintaining a tight group is going to be key with the Mordians. If all models in a unit with this doctrine is touching the base of at least one other model from the same unit then Parade Drill will give them +1 Leadership and let them add 1 to hit rolls made when firing Overwatch. For Vehicles with this doctrine you’ll be able to add 1 to hit rolls made when firing overwatch as long as they’re within 3″ of one or more other friendly Mordian Vehicles. Get those firing lines set up and watch your opponent dwindle down as they try to get in close.

The Defensive Gunners Stratagem is going to be a nice touch to add to your Leman Russ Punishers. Oh, and did we mention, they’re going to be seeing a new ability and a small reduction in points cost?

Astra Militarum Mordian Stratagem Defensive Gunners

Defensive Gunner is going to make your opponent think twice about charging your Astra Militarum Vehicle units. For 1 CP you can use this Stratagem when a charge is declared against one of your Astra Militarum Vehicle units, and that unit will hit on a 5+ when firing Overwatch for that phase. Now, combo that with Grinding Advance and your Leman Russ just became a force to be reckoned with.

Astra Militarum Mordian Grinding Advance

You’ll be rewarded for slowly advancing your Leman Russ across the battlefield. Like we stated earlier, this is a very defensive regiment, and Grinding Advance rewards you for being more defensive than aggressive. If you move your Leman Russ under half it’s available movement, which would be less than 5″ at full health, you’ll be able to shoot it’s turret weapon twice in the following Shooting phase, but it must target the same unit for both shots. Additionally, the unit will not suffer the penalty for moving and shooting a Heavy Weapon. Just think being able to fire the Battle cannon twice in the same turn at the same unit. It has a 72″ range, Heavy D6, Strength 8, AP -2, and does D3 Damage. The c-c-c-combo that is going to turn heads though is if you have a Catachan Leman Russ, which will give you access to the Brutal Strength ability, which will allow you to re-roll the dice used to determine the amount of attacks it can make. Sit back in a defensive position and unload volley after volley at your unprepared foe.

Astra Militarum Mordian Veterans

Now let’s not forget about the amazing leadership abilities of the Iron Guard’s officers. Form Firing Squad is going to be a key factor in taking out enemy character models.

Astra Militarum Mordian Form Firing SquadForm Firing Squad is going to allow you to pick an Infantry unit and until the end of the phase they will be able to target Characters with their Rapid Fire weapons, even if they are not the closest enemy unit. This is going to be huge for getting rid of your opponents Characters than spam auras. 

Everything we’ve seen about the Imperial Guard so far is really making them seem like an army to be feared on the tabletop. It’s going to be really hard to get in close without losing half your models.

Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow when they reveal teasers for Vostroyans, an army designed to defeat your enemies by outranging them.

What do you think about the latest teaser for Codex: Astra Militarum? What are your thoughts on the new combo for the Leman Russ? Let us know in the comments below.

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