GW Confirms 40k Daemonifuge, Pariah & Necrons LATEST

daemonifuge 20th anniv epheral sternGW just confirmed the latest on New Sisters, Harlequins, Deathwatch, and more on Psychic Awakening Pariah that will feature Ephrael Stern the Daemonifuge.

The second week of the Biggest GW Previews ever are here! Rescheduled due to the cancelation of Adepticon, Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Twitch and Warhammer Community again today! gw preview adepticonSure, we’ve seen a few models here and there over the past weeks, here’s the latest…

Sisters of Battle have gotten a ton of love in recent months. But with Psychic Awakening still going strong, we know their support isn’t over. They’re getting a new character along with some other sweet content.

GW Confirms 40k Daemonifuge, Pariah & Necrons LATEST

psychic awakening pariah


We’ve been saying Daemonifuge may be back and it’s official, Psychic Awakening: Pariah isn’t just about Necrons. We’ve got the most bad-ass  Sister herself, Ephrael Stern making a splash into the scene (again).

sisters of battle pariah ephrael stern


sisters of battle pariah ephrael stern and bodyguardThe champion of some of the most iconic Warhammer graphic novels ever written, Ephrael Stern is getting a model of her own – just in time to test her powers against the greatest threat the Imperium has ever faced. She’s not alone – you’ll be able to field her alongside the Sisters of Battle, or with any Imperium force, and she’ll be accompanied by her Harlequin companion, Kyganil.

So not only will all Imperial players be able to roll her out on the table. But we’re also getting her Harlequin bodyguard, Kyganil aka the Pariah. Which oh my goodness he looks like he slaps. We’ll have to see if he’s able to be taken as something like an HQ in Harlequin-exclusive lists as well.

sisters of battle daemonifuge

Pre-Order Daemonifuge NOW!

Now on top of a new Psychic Awakening announcement and two new models, the Black Library is also dropping a 20th-anniversary edition of the Daemonifuge novel.

Psychic Awakening Support Coming to White Dwarf

deathwatch harlequins psychic awakeningWhat might be a bit of a bummer to some Deathwatch/Harlequin fans out there, your Psychic Awakening is coming in a White Dwarf further down the line. You won’t be getting a full book. But hey, your rules will be a lot cheaper to get your hands on.

Engine War, War of the Spider, and now Pariah ahead for Psychic Awakenings, the exciting lore and rules releases are still going strong.

What do you think Ephrael Stern’s rules will look like? Would you like to be able to play Kyganil in a Harlequin force? They do need some named character love after all…

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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