GW Confirms 40k Salamander & Imperial Fist Releases Next Week

By Andrew Schrank | October 13th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

new space marines gold

It ‘s happening! Don’t miss all the new releases that Games Workshop just confirmed are on the way for Imperial Fists and Salamanders starting next week!

Warhammer Community just let us in on the release lineup that goes up on preorder October 19th. If enjoy Imperial Fists, Salamanders, or Space Marines, in General, this is a great week for you!

Imperial Fist and Salamander Codex Supplements

Imperial fist and salamander collectors


Imperial fist and salamander supplementsTwo new codex supplements will take your Salamanders and Imperial Fists armies to the next level. They both feature detailed history, background and a look at the organisation of these First Founding Chapters. They’re packed with unique Relics, Warlord Traits, Stratagems, Tactical Objectives, psychic powers and more. These books are absolute must-haves for any fan of these Chapters and indeed anyone interested in learning more about who they are and how they fight.

Not to mention what each chapter focuses on! Expect to see plenty of synergies like bolters for the Imperial Fists and Flames for the Salamanders!

Imperial Fist and Salamander Data Cards

Imperial fist and salamander data cards

Don’t forget to pick up the Datacards for your Chapter too, so that you can easily keep track of your Tactical Objectives, Stratagems and psychic powers. They each feature 36 Tactical Objectives, including six unique to the Chapter, and a new psychic discipline – Geokinesis for Imperial Fists and Promethean for the Salamanders.

Data cards are also a smart purchase. They help track everything going on while you are leaning an army and cut down on those long first few game times.

Imperial Fist and Salamander Transfers

Imperial fist and salamander transfersWith the two new Primaris Upgrade sets, you’ll also be able to assemble all of your Space Marines in Mk X Tacticus and Gravis power armour to look like true exemplars of their Chapter. 

These packages will help you transform any group of generic marines into crisp representations of their respective chapters, each pack with symbols and gear specific to the chapter.

Adrax Agatone and Tor Garadon

Imperial fist and salamander charactersBoth the Imperial Fists and Salamanders get a totally new character for their armies. Adrax Agatone and Tor Garadon are the 3rd Company Captains of their respective Chapters. They are both absolutely devastating in close combat and come with the usual Space Marines Captain bag of tricks, allowing nearby units to re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Each of the new characters are similar to each other, but don’t be fooled! They are sure to have unique rules to help out there subordinates in their own unique ways separate from each other as well! Based on the past unique character in supplements, we can expect both of these Captains to be absolute powerhouses!



The Impulsor gets your Primaris Space Marines into battle fast. It’s not just a transport though – thanks to a variety of upgrade options it can also be equipped for any mission from anti-aircraft duty to calling in orbital strikes.

So we can expect this tank to have great movement and fit a decent amount of troops in it. But, we can also expect a good amount of weapon options and the new shield mechanic.

Infiltrators and Incursors


Sneak behind enemy lines with the Infiltrators and Incursors. The new kit builds either of these units, outfitting them to disrupt communications, sabotage targets of opportunity and sweep around the flanks of spearhead advances. Both units are also excellent at denying ground to the enemy, whether it’s through the use of the Infiltrator’s omni-scramblers or the Incursor’s Haywire Mines.

So this kit is a little interesting. It can make either or of these new units, so they are probably very similar looking. However they both have different rules so you may lean to one or the other depending on what your army needs!

Are you excited about the new supplements? Do you play Imperial Fists or Salamanders? Maybe you’re just excited to explore another space of the world and see all the new models?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. And sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!