GW Confirms New Ork Boyz & 1 More Unit on the Way!

40k-orks-wal-hor-titleIt’s official! GW has confirmed that new Ork boyz (not Beast Snaggas) are on the way as well as Morzog on Great White Squig!

Warhammer Community recently previewed what we can expect the new boyz will look like, and even a little rumor about the Great White Squig and its rider Morzog for the Beast Snaggas.

Beast Snaggas

We know the new Beastsnagga box for them will have 26 new minis, and they all look to be pretty powerful, but this is the first we’ve really seen of what the regular Orks getting any love, in the form of new minis. Let’s first check out what we’ve seen for the boyz, then check out the new pics!

New Orks Army Box & Codex

Beast SnaggasAs we said before, this codex is going to be released after the box on its own. So if you want the rules as early as possible, you’ll have to buy the limited edition box (aka Sisters, and Lumineth Realm-lords). They said it will be a complete overhaul on par with what happened in the Drukhari codex.

This box will come with every new mini for the Orks minus the new Warboss. Almost more importantly, it will give early access to the codex! We’ll say it one last time, this is going to be limited and we can only imagine how fast it will sell.

40k Orks & Beast Snagga Boyz Rules Revealed

Old Ork BoyThat’s right, Toughness 5. In fact, many varieties of Ork throughout the codex are seeing an extra point of Toughness added to their profile (yes, even Gretchin). It looks like the greenskins are finally living up to the terrifying reputation they have for charging headlong into clouds of gunfire and coming hollering out the other side.

That is a nice change for the Boyz, considering their awful save, this may help them survive that small arms fire all the better. They also mention everything will be getting an additional toughness, so that’s honestly huge! Looks like that Gretchin army is looking better and better…

beast snagga datasheetThe dream of Primaris Orks is dead in a sense. But the Beast Snagga version will have strength 5, meaning their efficiency against the always common T4 will be way higher.

Beast Snagga rulesAll of the scar tissue and crude bioniks an average Beast Snagga accumulates over the course of their (usually quite short) life have their upsides too, as the chances of an incoming bullet or chainsword hitting something the Ork needs to function are even lower than usual.

Not only will they be stronger, but they will also be hitting vehicles or monsters on a 2+ in CC and 4+ in the shooting phase. On top of that, they will all have a 6+ invuln, meaning you will have a chance to save them even from pesky weapons with AP. Check out everything we know so far about the new Boyz and Beastsnagga rules here in our previous coverage.

Now, let’s take a look at what appears to be new Ork Boyz as well:

New Warhammer 40k Orks Boyz Models SPOTTED

Spotted on various forums and Discords, these are said to be new Ork Boyz from the side of the Gaunt’s Ghost box and features the new Cadian Shokk troopers (with upgrades) squaring off against some hulking physiques of greenskins. Now we know this is true! 

New Orks Boyz 2021Just as a quick refresher here is the current Ork Boyz, circa the mid-2000s:

orks boyz kit


So while the Boyz that looked new have a little bit different stature to their form, their weapons, and armor appear to be very similar to the current kit, right down to optional ejecting shell bits.

New Ork Boyz

Speaking of rumours and legends, some of you with the eyes of skilled Tanith marksmen noted something unusual on the new Gaunt’s Ghosts box at the weekend. Are those new Ork Boyz pictures fighting the Cadian Shock Troops on the back of the box? Yes, they are! We’ll save you squinting at a grainy pic, here is one of da new Boyz in all their glory. First Beast Snaggas and now new Boyz – 2021 looks like the year to be green…

This is the new pic from GW. So now we have a blurry vision from the back of the Gaut’s Ghosts box and now one of the boyz models from the front!

They have a very similar feel to the old Orks (hooray), but do have some nice updates. This is the only pic they released, for now, so we’ll have to wait and see what the whole box will end up looking like.

They didn’t give much about the release date either, so we’ll have to wait for the next Orks preview for more. Now let’s check out the news about the Great White Squig and Morzog.

Morzog & The Great White Squig

MorzogKnown by many names before it came into the possession of its current rider, the Great White Squig is widely regarded as the most belligerent, vicious, and savage squigosaur to ever crawl from the spawning grounds. Utterly untameable and responsible for a breathtaking number of missing Boyz, it wasn’t until the squigosaur met its match in an equally stubborn Beast Snagga named Mozrog Skragbad that any hope of controlling the monster could be found.

Great White SquigNewly christened ‘Big Chompa’, the Great White Squig is only kept in line by the sheer ornery belligerence of its long-suffering master, routinely returning to its usual destructive ways the moment Mozrog takes his eyes off it. As such, the two are rarely seen apart, and so the continued legend of steed and rider grows to this day.

So if this is going to be another new Beast Snagga mini, it looks like the box will not have everything involved. Or, can you just use the bits in the box to make this mini as a different HQ choice?

We’ll have to wait and see on that, but with all this, Orks have a lot to look forward to in 2021!

What do you think about the updated Boyz? Are you excited about even more Beast Snagga minis?

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