GW Sneakily Confirms a New Preview Is Coming Soon!

gw-previews-new-warhammerGames Workshop sneakily confirmed a new Warhammer preview is coming soon, just before Black Friday at the World Championships Warhammer.

This next preview is quite late (or early if you’re in the UK or Europe), and you might have to stay up to see all the new miniatures! We’ll publish everything with our commentary, so you can check back in the morning if you can’t look at it all that night!

While they didn’t say much about it, we’ll also take a look at what we might see previewed at the event!

GW Confirms New Preview For the World Championships of Warhammer

The info comes from the World Championships of Warhammer Packet.

GW Preview World Championships of WarhammerConsidering this is in the USA, they put it at 21:00, which is 9 p.m. on the East Coast of the USA, which puts it at 1 a.m. in the UK. So, it’s a pretty late preview this time around. However, there is also a chance this is actually later, as sometimes they do the live reveal (which takes about an hour), and then they run it on Twitch.

So we might have to push everything back another hour. Either way, set your calendar for Friday, 17 Nov 2023, at around 9 p.m. Eastern. 

Now, let’s see what could be revealed!

Possibilities For the GW Preview World Championships of Warhammer

New 40k Necrons Models 3Orikan the Diviner is the last big rumor left for Necrons, and GW promised there would be more models. Considering the other rumors were true about what Necron models would come out, we expect this and possibly the Necron Codex release date (as GW said it would come out this year), but we aren’t too sure about the Codex. 

Other than that, we aren’t sure what else they will reveal, as the Space Marines are out. The Ad Mech is only getting one model, and they are the next two codexes. So, it might be a slow preview for 40k, maybe other than the new Necron Combat Patrol.

AoS Possible Reveals

We’ve been hearing Flesh Eater Courts for a long time, and GW even put out a feast video, so it seems pretty obvious. Here is the latest on the new Flesh Eater Courts models from Reddit.

New Flesh Eater Courts models

Finally cleaned them all and kinda assembled them with some sticky tack, mainly since i still cannot figure out how the drum is supposed to go, but still managed to “build” some examples of them, surprisingly enough they seem to be about the same size as crypt ghouls and the warcry peasant ones, mainly due to being hunched back a lot, heres a pic doing a comparrison with the warcry warband, underworlds butcher, crypt ghoul and horror.

Considering they didn’t get the entire box, they don’t have the instructions, so building certain parts can be challenging. Either way, they are almost the same size as the current Ghouls, with much bigger weapons and more menacing faces.

If you want to read more about the FEC rumor, you can check them out here.

Legions Imperialis/Horus Heresy

The-Horus-Heresy-–-Legions-Imperialis-warhammer-40k-epic-scaleNot much to say here; let’s just hope they actually announce a launch date for the game, as it’s already been delayed for months. So… Let’s hope they announce it with this preview. If you want to read more about the delay and a rulebook spotted in the wild, you can check that out here.

Warhammer Old World

Tomb Kings Weapons 3

We saw a ton of Bretonnian miniatures last time and a timeframe for the release date, so if we see anything this time for the line, we expect them to show off some Tomb Kings!

GW Preview World Championships of Warhammer- Possible Boxed Games

40k Kill Team Night LordsWe’ve been hearing rumors about a new Kill Team box, but considering the last one isn’t even out yet, we’re not sure about it. But the rumors point to Mandrakes (Drukhari) vs. Night lords! Other than that, there are generally some big previews for one boxed game, so keep the hope alive!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the GW Preview planned for the World Championships of Warhammer?

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