GW Confirms New Tau & Guard For AI, Plus Necromunda Releases

Tau barracuda aeronautica ImperialisFan of Necromunda or Aeronautica Imperialis? Well, there are some pretty exciting new models and content headed your way. Check this out!

Warhammer Community revealed what’s on the way next for Aeronautica Imperialis and Necromunda. Long story short, you’re getting new models. But there’s so much more than that coming with them!

Before we jump into what’s just been revealed, it’s important to look at the earlier rumors that have since been confirmed. 

Earlier Rumors Confirmed With New Reveals

tau tigersharkInitially spotted on Imgur, there were two exciting titles that were noted.

gw specialist games shipping

What looks to have been a snippet from a recent shipping document, Necromunda was mentioned with something called House of Chains. As for Aeronautica Imperialis, the “Taros” came from a clash in the lore against Tau.  Not long after this made its rounds across the web, WHC revealed it all.

GW Reveals Tau in Aeronautica Imperialis

aeronautica imperalis tau planes 1Certainly a step in the right direction for GW expanding their AI player base, you don’t have to pick between Imperial Guard or Orks anymore. Tau are joining the fight with some really sweet looking minis. Specifically the Barracuda and Tigershark. For the Imperial Guard, they’ll be hitting the table with Navy Vultures and Avenger Strike Fighters

aeronautica imperalis taros 1There is a new Box Set on the way coming with these models and everything you need to play called The Skies of Fire. And for the Tau fans, they gave us a tease at what kind of wargear they’ll be bringing to play.

 If you think the weaponry of the T’au Empire is deadly on the ground, just wait until you see the aircraft of the Air Caste! Here’s a hint – almost all of them pack railguns and missile pods with unlimited ammo!

aeronautica imperalis taros book 1Along with all that, a new campaign book is on the way called Taros Air War. This is going to be touching on all the battles that took place to retake Taros from the Tau. There’s really not too much we know besides that.

House of Chains Revealed For Necromunda: Models & More!


necromunda house of chains 1In the latest wave coming to Necromunda, the Goliath gang is getting another pass over from GW. With these two models revealed, Stimmers are brutes that will be ready to bully just about any other ganger off the map.

Goliath gangers respect physical strength above all else, and sometimes that results in an obsession with growth and combat chems. Such is the case with the massive Stimmers – over-muscled brutes wielding massive weapons as though they’re mere playthings.


necromunda house of chains 2The Forge Born are another new set of minis underway. Being considerably smaller, they have some pretty nasty weaponry. Lore wise, they’re the equivalent of Scouts in Space Marines. They are trying to prove their worth by running through suicide missions for the gang.

necromunda house of chains 3And finally, if you’re wanting to run these models, you’ll need to get a copy of the House of Chains book. This will have all the details for running your Goliath gang in a new way as well as missions to play through with your friends and even a gang of Ogryn.

The House of Chains is a huge update for Goliath gangs, including house alliances, unique scenarios, themed terrain features, and even Slave Ogryn gangs

While we don’t have any of the fine details for the new minis or books just yet, this has definitely been a big enough reveal to keep us satisfied for a while. We’ll have to keep our eyes peeled for more leaks and teasers in the days to come.

With earlier rumors being confirmed from the shipping document spotted earlier on, what will you be saving your money up for? Will you be buying the House of Chains book just to start a gang of Ogryn? Which gang do you currently play? 

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