GW Drops 10th Edition 40k Ravenwing Detachment Rules!

new ravenwing dark angels rules 40kIt’s time to go fast as GW drops 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Dark Angels Ravenwing detachment rules that are on point for the faction!

While Deathwing is getting most of the new miniatures, don’t forget about the fast boys of the Dark Angels! Here are the Company of Hunters detachment rules, which will let your biker-heavy Ravenwing lists shine.  It’s nice to see some different detachment rules for the various ‘wings’ of the Dark Angels because no one wants to lose their favorite way to play their army!

GW Drops 10th Edition 40k Dark Angels Ravenwing Detachment Rules!

Here are the latest rules for the Dark Angels Ravenwing in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k:

Dark Angels Ravenwing Detachment Rules

Known as the Company of Hunters, this detachment grants every bike-based dream you’ve had for an army full of thundering engines and ground-churning speed antics. Board control is the name of the game, and the Detachment rule Masters of Manoeuvre makes it easy – freed from (most of) the drawbacks of Advancing and Falling Back, your troops can surge up the battlefield and worry about pesky counterattacks later.

Being able to shoot after advancing or falling back with your entire army is no joke! This is a pretty huge buff for your army and should let you be super maneuverable through the entire game.

Don’t fancy taking any foot-slogging Space Marines after getting a peek at these new rules? We understand, and you won’t have to either – Outriders get the BATTLELINE keyword in a Company of Hunters detachment, turning an already tough army into a solid wall of high-octane ceramite that’s as difficult to shift off an objective as any old Aggressor or Inceptor.

While you could already take a bunch, this rule will allow you to take up to 6 units of Outriders and really only have a fully mounted army!

Company of Hunters Stratagems

Dark Angels Ravenwing Detachment Rules 2

Such speed also makes your bike-borne battle brothers rather hard to hit, especially combined with the riders’ handling skills and intense High-speed Focus. 

Giving a unit -1 to hit for only 1 CP is always a good stratagem, and this has the feel of the old Jink saves.

Dark Angels Ravenwing Detachment Rules 3

Once you’ve got a priority target locked in, a swift Talon Strike is all it takes to cut down enemy VIPs whether at range or up close.

This one is much more situational, but if you can get a bunch of precision weapons or just find a character out on their own, it is very strong.


The Company of Hunters has a nasty selection of Enhancements which come in extra-handy now that the Ravenwing Command Squad’s Champion has gained the CHARACTER keyword, allowing the whole unit to attach to your Outriders or Ravenwing Black Knights to form a packed-out super squad.  

This is a cool idea to have one super kitted-out squad running through the enemy!

Dark Angels Ravenwing Detachment Rules 4

Slipping an extra unit into Strategic Reserves with Master of Manoeuvre is already a potent ability, so just imagine how much havoc you can let slip when nine veteran bikers don’t count towards your points limit. 

This is pretty huge, as it not only allows you to put more units in reserve but also, on turn two, you can come in from any table edge! This means you can really take your opponent by surprise with a huge unit in their backfield starting turn two. If you go first, your opponent will have only had one turn to move.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you want to see revealed rules-wise for the Deathwing? 

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