GW Drops New Chaos Daemons Codex FAQ

Daemons-FAQBe’lakor is getting a sizable NERF in the new Chaos Daemons Codex FAQ, along with some other important changes- check it out!

You know the drill, the new book has been out for a little while now, but luckily this is pretty small, so don’t get too worried just yet

This one is really not that big, so we’ll have all the changes below. Even though it’s not big, it’s good to know what’s changing. If you want to download the new FAQ, you can here.

Let’s jump into the changes!

New Chaos Daemons Codex FAQ is Here

Chaos Daemons FAQ

One of the biggest changes is right up top. Before, taking Be’lakor would give you access to all the Warp Storm effects, which more or less made him an auto-include because having every Warp Storm effect is pretty insane.

This stops you from taking the Supreme Command detachment just to get all the effects. Then, some wording was changed. For example, Brass Stampede says each instead of on a, meaning you’ll actually be able to do more mortals.

Armor of Scorn importantly added the Daemonic saving throw line because before that, technically, it did nothing, considering the saves say they cannot be changed in any way.

Chaos Daemons FAQ 2

The biggest change (or clarification, really) is probably to Malefic Weapons. Because of this, it now means you cannot modify the attacks with things like Armor of Contempt, Disgustingly Resilient, etc… This also does mean Plague of Rust will do nothing to them. However, if something modifies a roll to hit or something like that, they still will have the same effect.

Some pretty big changes overall, and probably a good NERF to Be’lakor.

You can download the full FAQ here and check out all the changes!

What do you think about the changes? Was there anything else you wished GW would have addressed? 

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