GW Drops New Imperial Guard Warhammer 40k FAQ


The new Imperial Guard codex FAQ is here for the Astra Militarum; check out how units like the Kasrkins and the Cadians faired!

You know the drill, the new book has been out for a little while now, so it’s time for an FAQ! However, from the looks of it, the Kasrkin are not getting their mortal wounds nerfed in this FAQ, which is quite interesting. 

This one is really not that big (in terms of length), so we’ll have all the changes below. Even though it’s not big, it’s good to know what’s changing. If you want to download the new FAQ, you can do so here.

Let’s jump into the changes!

Imperial Guard Astra Militarum Warhammer 40k FAQ

Imperial Guard FAQ

Let’s start with Cadians and Death Korps of Krieg; now they can only take one of each weapon. There seems to be some debate about whether the original wording was a mistake or if it was too much: either way, one weapon from now on.

Next, the Plasma causes wounds to the unit, not the bearer. Valkyrie gains airborne, which is really just fixing an error as it should have had it. Next, you can take a plasma pistol Scions, which only makes sense.

Now, for the actual FAQs.


The first one is pretty big, as it allows you to issue an order using the Chimera’s ability, then once you disembark, you can keep issuing orders. Next up, Creed can’t stack strength buffs, and if replaced, it loses the modifier.

Trophy Hunters can be selected by Kasrkin’s Warrior Elite ability and the Veteran Commandeer Tank Ace upgrade, despite list-building restrictions. Then, it only makes sense any Warlord traits in the line of the Field Promotion can’t be duplicated.

Lastly, Old Grudge has no effect if given by the Field Promotion. 

So, this means you can still do the Kasrkin MW bomb, no changes to tanks, and no changes to your army ignoring damage. So an interesting take from GW on the first FAQ, only time will tell if they are just getting them ready for the 10th edition change.

You can download the complete FAQ here and check out all the changes!

What do you think about the changes? Was there anything else you wished GW would have addressed? 

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