GW Makes “Unlimited” Pre-Order Promise For New Releases

a-promise-from-gwGW has made a promise to make the new Kill Team: Octarius pre-order basically unlimited and says everyone who orders will get one.

Is this GW actually listening to people upset about missing out on nearly every box due to limited quantity? They even mention the annoyance of scalpers grabbing the product before you can, so this is a step in the right direction.

They announced the promise over on Warhammer Community. And they not only talk about this release, but they also talk about the future as well, so maybe moving forward they will finally do what we’ve been asking for ages, MTO!

super happy guardsman wal horThey don’t really come right out and say it’s MTO, but that’s essentially what it is. With the people ordering first getting theirs right away and others getting theirs much later.

Which is, guess what? Exactly what MTO is. But it is still a good preceded to set that we have been advocating for as well.

Kill Team: Octarius Pre-Order Will be Unlimited Supply

kill team octarius whats in the boxIf you want to see what all is coming in the box, you can check that out here. Let’s hear what they have to say though about the promise:

This weekend, Games Workshop is making a promise to everyone who orders Kill Team: Octarius during the pre-order weekend – we guarantee you’ll get a copy. Simple! Now, Kill Team: Octarius is the first time we’re making a pledge like this. We’ve made absolutely loads of copies… but we’ve been wrong about demand before! So, just rest assured, if you order one on the pre-order weekend, we’ll get it to you.

There’s some nuance here… we’ll be shipping them out first come, first served. If you get in late, it might just take longer to get them to you… potentially several months longer – but you WILL get your copy.

BOGO-Scarlet--740x424-croppedBuy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis now!

Well, this is definitely a good thing if you ask us. While you may not get the box right away, you don’t have to worry about waking up early and fighting with everyone else out there for a very limited number of boxes.

Sure, you might have to wait for a little, but let’s be honest, you probably have some unpainted plastic hanging around somewhere. Just paint that up and have everything ready to go when you get your new box.

Plus, this probably means more for local stores as well, which we’re all for.

Moving Forward

Black Templars Emperors Champion 2Going forwards, we’re looking at ways we can make sure you don’t miss out on other awesome box sets too. So if, for instance, there was a sweet new Black Templars launch box on the horizon (just imagine that!) then that also sounds like the sort of box we’d want to make sure you could all get your hands on.

We figured a Black Templars box would be coming soon, but this confirms it. Let’s just hope they have heard the outrage from the community and will actually start MTO on all the big limited release boxes because having to fight for a box is becoming a little ridiculous.

Are you excited about this promise? Will you be picking up the Kill Team box?

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