GW’s New Releases & Pricing Update

By James Rodriguez | June 26th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

gw wallpaper warhammer store fronThis week’s pre-orders are here, and so are more Made to Order Blood Bowl classics. Come find out the latest releases from Games Workshop and Black Library!

Greenfield Grasshuggers $118

Greenfield Grasshuggers



The technical deficiency of Halfling teams is legendary. They’re too short to throw or catch, they run at half pace, and it goes without saying that their blocking game leaves something to be desired. Most Halfling coaches, aware of the material that they have to work with, make up for quality with quantity. The Greenfield Grasshuggers are the perfect example – they might not be the tallest or the strongest or the fastest, but at least they try!

Field the Greenfield Grasshuggers – or any Halfling Blood Bowl team – with this bundle. You’ll receive a Halfling Blood Bowl team made up of 12 metal miniatures, including 2 each of players 1-6 and a Halfling Cook, and 2 metal Blood Bowl Treemen. Supplied with 14 25mm slotted round bases.

Athelorn Avengers $86

Atherlorn Avengers Team



With a free-wheeling and easygoing style, the Athelorn Avengers have been going from strength to strength in the newer open tournament style of play. Some cynics – and there are a lot of cynics – reckon this is because they no longer have their arch-rivals the Darkside Cowboys breathing down their necks, but let’s ignore the naysayers, and bask in the Avengers’ glory!

Field the Athelorn Avengers – or any Wood Elf Blood Bowl team – with this bundle. You’ll receive a Wood Elf Team – 12 metal miniatures, including 2 wardancers, 2 catchers, 1 thrower and 7 linemen, and a metal Blood Bowl Treeman. Supplied with 13 25mm slotted round bases.

Rules for Wood Elf teams can be found in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season 1.

Ogre Blood Bowl Team $75

Ogre Team Made to Order



At face value, the thought of an Ogre Blood Bowl team is enough to fill most players with dread. Who could hope to stand up against such a horrific team? Thankfully, the reality never quite lives up to their worst fears. For starters, most Ogres are incredibly thick. Just getting them to all turn up at the same time is a mammoth task (sometimes involving actual mammoths!). Then there’s the fact that very few coaches can afford to field more than a few Ogres at a time, meaning that most Ogre teams are bulked out with Gnoblars, Snotlings and similar ‘runts’. And then there’s the fact that, no matter how much you train them, the moment the whistle goes, most Ogres just default to what they know best, forgetting the ball in favour of trying to pound their enemies into a bloody mess. Coaches who know what they’re doing can turn this to their advantage, but it’s still a rare sight to see an Ogre team doing well in their league.

This is a set of Blood Bowl miniatures representing the Ogres. It contains 6 metal miniatures, and includes 4 ogres, 1 ogre thrower and 1 goblin, with 1 variant ogre head. Add the Goblin Boost Pack to make a full team.

Supplied with 6 40mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available as a free .pdf download in the tab on the right.

Halfling Blood Bowl Team $54

Halfling Team MTO



The technical deficiency of Halfling teams is legendary. They’re too short to throw or catch, they run at half pace, and it goes without saying that their blocking game leaves something to be desired. Most Halfling coaches, aware of the material that they have to work with, make up for quality with quantity. After all, if you can get half a dozen players in the opposing team’s End Zone and, by some miracle, manage to end up with the ball, then there is a small chance that one or two of them won’t be jelly by the time you throw the thing!

This is a Blood Bowl team representing the Halflings. It contains 13 metal miniatures, and includes 2 each of players 1-6 and a Halfling Cook.

Supplied with 13 25mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available as a free .pdf download in the tab on the right.

Wood Elf Blood Bowl Team $54

Wood Elf Team MTO



Wood Elves make natural Blood Bowl players, although their refusal to wear heavy armour does leave them vulnerable to some of the more hard-hitting opposing teams. Generally though, the Wood Elves’ natural athletic ability is enough to keep them out of trouble – it takes a fast or cunning foe to lay a hand on a Wood Elf player!

This is a Blood Bowl team representing the Wood Elves. It contains 12 metal miniatures, and includes 2 wardancers, 2 catchers, 1 thrower and 7 linemen.

Supplied with 12 25mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available in Death Zone Season 1.

Vampire Counts Blood Bowl Team $54

Vampire Team MTO



Vampires are just one of the many Undead nightmares that stalk the shadows on moonless nights, but never let it be said that they aren’t the most civilised. Unlike the Skeletons, Zombies and Wights that are held together by necromancy, Vampires are noble creatures, capable of existing among human society with little fear of discovery. Since Blood Bowl took the world by storm, a great number have stepped out of the shadows to involve themselves in the sport, the most famous being star commentator Jim Johnson. Teams made up exclusively of Vampires are almost unheard of, but those who do wish to play usually pad out their numbers with Thralls who gladly give up free will in exchange for the life of a Blood Bowl player!

This is a Blood Bowl team representing the Vampire Counts. It contains 12 metal miniatures, and includes 4 vampires and 8 thralls.

Supplied with 12 25mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available as a free .pdf download in the tab on the right.

Blood Bowl Treeman $32

Treeman MTO



Probably the only real point in the Halflings’ favour is their long-held alliance with the treemen who guard the forests of their realm, and a team that can tempt one (or two!) of them along to a game suddenly doesn’t look so pathetic…

This metal miniature is to be added to Halfling or Wood Elf Blood Bowl teams. He comes as 3 components with a 40mm slotted round base. Blood Bowl rules for this miniature are available as a free .pdf download in the tab on the right.

Well, there you have it, Blood Bowl MTO classics are here from Games Workshop.