Games Workshop’s New Releases: REVEALED

By James Rodriguez | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k News

gw wallpaper warhammer store fronThis week’s pre-orders are here and so are new box sets, Easy To Build models, and more. Come find out the latest release from Games Workshop!
Know No Fear: A Warhammer 40,000 Starter Set $80



Containing 31 Primaris Space Marines and Death Guard miniatures, Know No Fear is a fantastic starting point for the newcomer to the Warhammer 40,000 hobby – an exciting fusion of collecting, painting and playing with highly detailed Citadel miniatures. Contained within this fully-packed box is everything needed to take you through the process of learning to play games of Warhammer 40,000 – miniatures, rulebooks, scenery, a gaming mat, right down to the dice and rulers:

The Miniatures

31 detailed plastic Citadel miniatures from the Primaris Space Marines and Death Guard range, in blue and green plastic, ready for you to assemble:

Primaris Space Marines

Mighty warriors and fearless protectors of humanity, equipped with the greatest weapons and armour the Imperium can provide, the Space Marines are heroes one and all.

– 1 Primaris Space Marine Captain, resplendent in cloak and iron halo, holding aloft a master-crafted power sword in one hand and wielding a boltstorm gauntlet on the other;
– a 5-man Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squad – the heart of a Primaris Space Marines army – armed with bolt rifles and bolt pistols;
– 1 3-man Primaris Space Marine Inceptor Squad – shock troops who slam into the fight with jump packs screaming – armed with assault bolters;
– 1 5-man Primaris Space Marine Hellblaster Squad – the finest marksmen, able to lay low entire armies on their own – armed with plasma incinerators and bolt pistols.


Death Guard

The Death Guard trudge inexorably into battle amidst the drone of endless swarms of flies. Bloated, rotten and riddled with disease, these revolting traitors are virtually immune to pain.

– 1 Death Guard Lord of Contagion , a huge, terrifying Chaos Space Marine covered in spiked, corrupted Terminator armour armed with a plaguereaper.
– 5 Death Guard Plague Marines – 4 armed with boltguns and plague knives, 1 plague champion armed with bolt pistol, plaguesword and power fist;
– 1 Death Guard Foetid Bloat-drone – a huge machine held aloft by rusted turbines – armed with plaguespitters and a plague probe;
– 10 Death Guard Poxwalkers – the rotten, shambling core of the army – armed with improvised weapons (hammers, claws, bayonets and metal pipes are featured.)


Gaming Content

Everything you need to learn to play Warhammer 40,000 going with your new miniatures is included in the box, including a 96-page book featuring:

– an introduction to the Warhammer 40,000 hobby – collecting, building, painting and playing with Citadel miniatures;
– a guide to the state of the galaxy in Warhammer 40,000 – the Imperium of Man, the forces of Chaos, the Xenos threat and their terrible intertwinings;
– an overview of the heroic Primaris Space Marines, with a focus on Captains, Intercessors, Inceptors and Hellblasters;
– an overview of the Death Guard, with a focus on the Lords of Contagion, Plague Marines, Foetid Bloat-Drones and Poxwalkers;
– background information setting up the epic conflict between the Ultramarines and Death Guard in the Ultramar system – the home of the Ultramarines;
– a step-by-step painting guide, beginning with a guide to the fundamentals – the brushes and paints to choose – and giving you the tips and techniques needed to paint the miniatures included in the box;
– a ‘start playing’ guide – this is split into 6 missions, each of which introduces more miniatures and more advanced concepts into the flow of the game, taking you from a basic fight between a couple of models to full-blown combat between all 31 included in the box! The missions are designed to be intuitive, and the new player is encouraged to add rules at their own pace;
– a set of core rules – these are the fundamental rules for playing Warhammer 40,000, split into easy to follow phases with a mission designed to ease you in;
– datasheets for every miniature – these are handy cards containing the rules for each model in the box; – a 4’ x 4’ double-sided gaming mat – one side is specially designed with icons showing you where to place miniatures in order to play the 6 missions included in the book, and the other has no markings, so you can play your own games. Each side is printed in full colour with an evocative design of a ruined Imperial city;
– a scenery piece! The inside tray of the box is designed to look like a sealed Imperial bunker, meaning it can be placed on your mat as a piece of scenery for your miniatures to battle over;
– 6 6-sided dice, and a 12” translucent measuring ruler, each vitally important for measuring movement and other in game tasks;
– a decal sheet for your Ultramarines, featuring army and troop iconography;
– 15 32mm, 10 25mm, 4 40mm, 1 50mm and 1 60mm round plastic bases for your miniatures to stand upon, with 3 45mm plastic flying stems for the Inceptor Squad.

First Strike: A Warhammer 40,000 Starter Set $40



First Strike is the ideal first purchase to those new to the Warhammer 40,000 hobby – an exciting fusion of collecting, painting and playing with highly detailed Citadel miniatures. The box is packed with everything needed to begin your hobby journey – 2 sets of miniatures to battle with, and a double-sided gaming mat, a scenery piece, a book of rules and all the extras you need to play:

The Miniatures

15 easy to build push-fit (no glue required!) miniatures in blue and green coloured plastic, representing the heroic Ultramarines and putrescent Death Guard:



– 3 Primaris Intercessors – clad in Mk X power armour, they are each armed with a bolt rifle and carry grenades. 1 model is a Sergeant, who leads the unit – he has a holstered pistol and is easily identified by his bare, unhelmed head;
– 3 Primaris Reivers – again clad in Mk X power armour, these Space Marines carry heavy bolt pistols and combat blades – they distinguished by the sinister skull motif on their helmets, with the Sergeant featuring a half-skull faceplate.

Death Guard

– 3 Plague Marines – each festering and bursting out of their armour due to the malign corruption of the Plague God Nurgle. 1 wields a boltgun, 1 is armed with a blight launcher and 1 – the Champion, who leads the unit – has a plasma gun, power fist and plague knife;
– 6 Poxwalkers – these are the cursed victims of the plagues, transformed into living weapons. Each is armed with an improvised close combat weapon, with hammers, chains, planks of wood and metal pipes with nails in represented.


Gaming Content

Everything you need to learn to play with your new miniatures is included in the box:

– a 24-page booklet containing the core rules for playing Warhammer 40,000, with each phase of the game explained in a clear, easy to follow manner from the initial setup to one side’s victory;
– a 56-page book that guides you through the background, history and current state of the Warhammer 40,000 galaxy, with introductions to the Primaris Space Marines and Death Guard, as well as 9 other armies. It features step-by-step guides to painting your miniatures, with guides to the paints and brushes you need, along with a showcase of beautifully-painted miniatures to inspire your hobby journey. It also includes explanations of the different ways to play Warhammer 40,000, along with training missions that gradually introduce the core concepts to the total beginner;
– a 2’ x 2’ double-sided gaming mat – one side is specially designed with icons showing you where to place miniatures in order to play the training missions, and the other has no markings, so you can play your own games. Each side is printed in full colour with an evocative design of a ruined Imperial city;
– a scenery piece! The inside tray of the box is designed to look like a set of armoured containers, meaning it can be placed on your mat as a piece of scenery for your miniatures to battle over;
– datasheets for the miniatures in the box – these are handy cards with the information on movement and weapons for each model printed on, meaning less flipping through books for information and more actual gaming;
– 6 6-sided dice, and a 6” translucent measuring ruler, each vitally important for games;
– a decal sheet for your Ultramarines, featuring army and troop iconography;
– 9 32mm and 6 40mm round plastic bases for your miniatures to stand upon.

Warhammer 40,000 Open War Cards $15



A simple and fun way to set up games of Warhammer 40,000, Open War cards take all the indecision and doubt away and let you get on with your gaming. A deck of 48 cards split into 5 types, they help you determine the deployment, objectives and special rules for Open Play games. Included:


12 x Deployment cards – 12 different player deployments;
12 x Objectives cards – 12 different objectives for winning the game;
12 x Twist cards – 12 different special rules that can be used to add a special factor to the game, such as acid rain, orbital debris and fighting in the dead of night;
6 x Ruse cards – 6 different cards that can be used to glean an advantage, such as ambushing or digging in – used to counter a higher power rating;
6 x Sudden Death cards – 6 different cards that provide different ways to win if you are significantly outnumbered – if your enemy has a power rating at least twice that of yours, you get a secret advantage to use as you wish!


If you use every type of card, that’s over 60,000 combinations – a huge amount of variety! The cards are presented with an instruction booklet, and feature artwork on the reverse.

Death Guard Paint Set $15



Containing the essential paints needed to paint Death Guard miniatures, this is the perfect set to with which to start painting up that army for the battlefield. Perfect for the the Easy To Build range of miniatures, it includes 6 3ml pots of high-quality Citadel paints:

– Agrax Earthshade
– Armageddon Dust
– Balthasar Gold
– Death Guard Green
– Leadbelcher
– Rakarth Flesh

This set also includes a brush to get you started.

Easy To Build: Primaris Space Marine Intercessors $15



A strong core of reliable and adaptable warriors that can lay down fire while advancing or holding down terrain is an invaluable aid to any tactician. In the case of strike forces bolstered by Primaris battle-brothers, this role is fulfilled by the Intercessor Squads.


Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this is a set of 3 Easy To Build Primaris Intercessors. Push-fit, with no glue required, these are incredibly straightforward to put together, and come on pre-coloured blue plastic sprues.

In this kit, you’ll find 2 Primaris Intercessors and 1 Primaris Intercessor Sergeant clad in Mk X power armour. Each is armed with a bolt rifle and carries frag and krak grenades, with one holding an auspex with a detailed keypad and display. The Sergeant has is identifiable by his detached helmet, which hangs mag-locked to his belt, and features extra details such as a reliquary and holstered pistol.


This plastic kit comes as 18 components, and is supplied with a transfer sheet and 3 32mm Round slotted bases. Rules for these miniatures are included in the box.

Easy To Build: Primaris Space Marine Reivers $15



All Space Marines are experts of the rapid strike, but Reivers take these skills to the next level. They are specially trained and equipped to launch brutally effective and unexpected assaults. They do this with a sudden fury and shocking violence, for the Reivers fulfil the role of terror troops that sow fear and confusion amongst their foes.


Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this is a set of 3 Easy To Build Primaris Reivers. Push-fit, with no glue required, these are incredibly straightforward to put together, and come on pre-coloured blue plastic sprues.

In this kit, you’ll find 2 Primaris Reivers and 1 Primaris Reiver Sergeant clad in Mk X power armour. The Reivers are armed with heavy bolt pistols and combat blades, with a selection of frag, krak and shock grenades on their chest plates and belts. Each features a skull design on the helmet – even the Sergeant, who features a bare head, has a faceplate with a skull motif. Skulls are very much a theme of the Reivers; their chestplate feature their icon, a skull with crossed swords.


This plastic kit comes as 18 components, and is supplied with a transfer sheet and 3 32mm Round slotted bases. Rules for these miniatures are included in the box.

Easy To Build: Death Guard Plague Marines $15



No Traitor Legion stands as high in Nurgle’s favour as the Death Guard. Swollen with the Plague God’s blessings and utterly devoted to the corruption of realspace in his name, the hulking Plague Marines that comprise their mainstay despoil all in their path while chanting praise to their gruesome patron.

Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this is a set of 3 Easy To Build Death Guard Plague Marines. Push-fit, with no glue required, these are incredibly straightforward to put together, and come on pre-coloured green plastic sprues.


In this kit, you’ll find 2 Plague Marines and 1 Plague Marine Champion. Each is clad in grotesquely distorted power armour with fleshy boils in the shape of Nurgle’s iconography and tentacles bursting through the seams. One Marine is armed with a boltgun and blight grenade, with a spiked helmet and skulls on the shoulder pads; one is armed with a massive blight launcher, with a tentacle arm and protuberances feeding back into his helmet, and the Champion is especially grim – he has a plasma gun, power fist and plague knife, his helmetless head twisted into an expression of gleeful malice, and his armour is particularly ornate with a huge toothed maw in the stomach.


This plastic kit comes as 14 components, and is supplied with a transfer sheet and 3 32mm Round slotted bases. Rules for these miniatures are included in the box.

Easy To Build: Death Guard Poxwalkers $15



Shambling across the battlefield in reeking hordes, Poxwalkers engulf their enemies in rotting tides of grasping hands, gnashing teeth and squirming tentacles. They are the cursed victims of Nurgle’s plagues, transformed into unliving weapons by the cruel masters of the Death Guard.

Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this is a set of 6 Easy To Build Death Guard Poxwalkers. Push-fit, with no glue required, these are incredibly straightforward to put together, and come on pre-coloured green plastic sprues.


In this kit, you’ll find 6 Poxwalkers. Each is uniquely unpleasant, armed with hastily improvised close combat weapons – blunt objects feature heavily, with hammers, chains, planks of wood and metal pipes with nails in represented. The Poxwalkers themselves are ghastly, their pallid faces twisted into sneering grimaces, mutations, boils and gashes covering their spindly limbs. Of note is the Poxwalker clad in a respirator and heavy boots (and little else…), covered head to toe in the blessings of Nurgle and clutching a horrifying notched axe.


This plastic kit comes as 11 components, and is supplied with 6 32mm Round slotted bases. Rules for these miniatures are included in the box.

Getting Started With Warhammer 40,000 $8



Everything you need to get started in the galaxy of Warhammer 40,000, this magazine is the perfect purchase for the absolute beginner who’d like to dip their toes in the hobby of collecting, building, painting and playing with Citadel miniatures. It explains in easy to follow terms how to get started, and even comes with a free push-fit Primaris Space Marine Intercessor miniature!


Contained in the 104-page magazine:

– A history of the Warhammer 40,000 setting – the story so far, the state of the galaxy and the dramatic history that led to it;
– A guide to the armies you can collect and play with in Warhammer 40,000, showing you their motivations and introducing their histories;
– Guidance on collecting Citadel miniatures – while you can simply pick up any that catch your eye, for many the hobby is about specific armies or types of miniature. This guide includes three example collections for inspiration, with a further showcase of beautifully-painted miniatures from a variety of armies;


– A detailed Battle Report – watch as the heroic Ultramarines take on the vile Death Guard in a tense fight to the end;
– A guide to some of the most famous war zones of Warhammer 40,000, and the epic battles that took place there;
– An introduction to painting Citadel miniatures using the Citadel Paint System, with a guide to paints, brushes and step-by-step instructions showing how to paint a variety of miniatures – including your free Intercessor!
– The core rules – the basic ruleset for playing games of Warhammer 40,000, with each phase broken down into simple explanations. There’s even a mission included to get you playing right away!

Well, there you have it, new box sets and Easy To Build models are up for pre-order. Be sure to head on over to Games Workshop and get your orders in today.