GW Organized Play Kits Coming Sooner Than Expected!

gw-tournamentsOrganized Play Kits for Warhammer 40k, etc. are on deck from Games Workshop, meaning you can play at your local store as well as some GW ones.

It’s been a little while since we’ve seen something like this from GW, so it’s pretty awesome, and it’s actually sooner than we expected.

Warhammer Community unveiled some of the prizes for the first organized play in many years. They also mention there will be golden tickets to the narrative events in both 2022 and 2023. So plenty to look forward to. Let’s take a closer look.

GW Organized Play Kits Coming Sooner Than Expected!

This time around AoS, Killteam, Warcry, and Underworlds (sadly no Titanicus) will actually be joining the fun as well, so it’s not just for 40k players.

Organized Play

It’s been two whole years since the last Warhammer Organised Play kit for friendly local games stores – but there’s a new one on its way this summer, and it’s going to be well worth the wait. 

First up is Warhammer 40,000 – this Organised Play kit will be released just after the new Chapter Approved – War Zone Nephilim: Grand Tournament Mission Pack, and will support up to 32 participants. Included in the kit are the Secondary Objective cards from the new Grand Tournament pack. These card packs are not available anywhere else, and every player that participates in an Organised Play event will receive a set! 

It’s always fun to see some support for Warhammer stores and your LGS in terms of running their tournaments. Plus, there are some cool secondary objective packs that you can only get at the tournaments (but we’re sure they will show up online at some point).

Organized Play 3

There are some beautifully designed certificates for first, second, and third places, and for the best-painted army. Naturally, the winner will also receive a beautiful glass trophy commemorating their victory.

Also, every player that participates in an event run through the Warhammer 40,000 Organised Play kits will have the chance to win a Golden Ticket to the Grand Narrative in Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico in November.

If you can win some of these prizes, you can display these sweet trophies proudly! Not to mention you can also grab a golden ticket to the Grand Narrative in New Mexico.

What’s After 40k?

Organized Play 2

Just a few weeks later, Warhammer Age of Sigmar will also receive its first-ever Organised Play kit. This pack includes Mysterious Terrain tokens for each of the players – up to 32 – that participate in an Organised Play event. These tokens aren’t available anywhere else, and will be a fantastic addition to battles in the Mortal Realms. And of course, the pack will also include bespoke trophies and certificates for event winners, along with the same opportunity to enter for a chance to win a trip to the Warhammer 40,000 Grand Narrative in New Mexico!

After that, there will be Organised Play kits coming for Kill Team, Warcry, and Warhammer Underworlds – each with fantastic, limited-release gaming accessories and bespoke items, as well as more of those coveted certificates and trophies.  Kill Team will also include the chance to win a Golden Ticket to the 2022 Grand Narrative, while Warhammer Underworlds will include a chance for a Golden Ticket to the 2023 Grand Finale.

AoS will finally have its first every pack with terrain tokens that won’t be available anywhere else. It’s interesting that you still have a chance to go to the 40k event. Then, a bunch of boxed games will grab their own kits, so nothing wrong with that!

Just a cool way to play games, win prizes, and help your LGS. In a previous article, GW also stated that 2023 will have ten kits!

So maybe Adeptus Titanics players will get an OP kit, fingers crossed…

Are you excited about the organized play events coming back for Warhammer from Games Workshop?

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