GW Previews New Dark Angels Releases & Stratagem

Supreme Grand Master Azrael combat

Today Games Workshop gave us a look at what Dark Angels will be going up for pre-order next week, as well as a look at one of the new Stratagems.

It’s the Dark Angels’ turn for new releases and Games Workshop was more than happy to share with us what we can expect to see coming our way. Let’s take a look.

The codex is absolutely packed with units never-before-available to the Dark Angels. Of course, you’ll be able to make use of the Primaris Space Marines, as well as following the story of how they were integrated into this famously suspicious and mistrustful Chapter. However, you’ll also be able to take advantage of units previously only available to more Codex compliant Space Marines. The Deathwing can finally be equipped with mighty relics from the Horus Heresy like Cataphractii and Tartaros armour, while you can destroy your enemy’s aircraft with the Hunter and Stalker tanks.

Dark Angels Codex

This isn’t just a book for gamers – for players who love the narrative of the Dark Angels, even the Stratagems are dripping with thematic flavour. Did you know, for example, that you can now represent the ritual duel fought by Dark Angels and Space Wolves champions before they fight together with The Lion and the Wolf Stratagem?

Dark Angels Lion and the Wolf Stratagem

If you’re bringing your existing Dark Angels army into the new era, there’s a range of new kits designed to help you do that. As well as Lieutenant Zakariah, you’ll be able to pick up the Dark Angels Primaris Upgrades and a range of boxed units that come with them in the box, helping you tie your Primaris units to the rest of your collection. Our favourite piece is the hand resting on the Calibanite power sword, conveying the easy gravitas of the sons of the Lion.

Dark Angels Primaris

Dark Angels Preview

So it looks like we’re going to start seeing more Primaris Marines on the table with the Dark Angels now getting access to them and a new Lieutenant.

lion wolf

The new Stratagem, The Lion And The Wolf, can be used before the battle if your army includes any Space Wolves Infantry units. You’ll then choose one Dark Angels Infantry model and one Space Infantry model in your army. Roll a dice for each model and on a 4+ that model suffers a mortal wound. But, for each model that survives you’ll increase its Strength, Attacks, Weapon Skill, and Leadership characteristics by 1. Talk about a rage problem!

Make sure you’re checking back in with us throughout the week as Games Workshop provides us with more previews leading up to the Dark Angels release.

What are your thoughts? Are you looking forward to the upcoming releases? Let us know in the comments below.

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”