GW Previews New Squat Mini For Necromunda

Necromunda Abhuman Teaser (3)Games Workshop just revealed a new teaser for Necromunda and it looks like we’re going to be seeing a new squat mini. Come take a look.

Games Workshop is getting tired of resting the Squat clock, and it looks like we’ll be seeing a new squat mini for Necromunda. Check out the latest teaser video spotted on the Warhammer TV Facebook page.

For many long years, a certain clock has counted the hours at Games Workshop, holding back the tide of an ancestral promise – until now…

Tic Toc, time to reset the clock. Which one Duncan? Oh, you know which one.

Necromunda Abhuman Teaser (4)

The Squats clock falls and shatters, Duncan asks what happens now, and then we get an announcement that is going to make squats fans everywhere happy.

Necromunda Abhuman Teaser (2)

A new Abhuman Bounty Hunter is on its way for Necromunda, and he looks awesome!

Necromunda Abhuman Teaser (1)


Squat fans have been waiting and wondering when they’d see the return of their beloved mini-minis, and it looks like that day is sooner than we thought. Necromunda is going to be getting a new Abhuman Bounty Hunter, and the art has definitely got our hype train rolling. We can’t wait to see what else they reveal. Will this be a one time release for squats, or is this opening the gate for a squat army?

Are you looking forward to the release of this mini miniature? Are you a squats fan? Is this just the beginning? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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