GW Previews Ulthwé Rules From Eldar Codex

eldradGames Workshop just gave us another preview for Codex: Craftworlds, and it looks like Ulthwé is may be a really hard to kill army.

Games Workshop just revealed another rules preview from Codex: Craftworlds. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about Ulthwé.

The Craftworld Attribute

40k Craftworld Ulthwe Foresight Damned

Foresight of the Damned is the most versatile of the new Craftworld Attributes, acting as a flat (and much-welcome) universal bonus to the durability of the Asuryani. On more fragile units, this additional save helps to compensate for Toughness 3, while tanks and Wraith constructs are even harder to kill and gain some additional resilience against mortal wounds.

40k Craftworld Ulthwe Strata Discipline Guardians

Throw in a nearby Autarch utilising the new and improved Path of Command ability and you’ll have a terrifyingly accurate firebase capable of chewing through light and heavy infantry alike. Meanwhile, if you’re having problems with durability, a quick Celestial Shield should help see to that:

40k Craftworld Ulthwe Strata celestial shield

Between a considerable cut in points and the vastly expanded Runes of Fate discipline, Eldrad Ulthran makes for the perfect leader for an Ulthwé army (it helps that he’ll be available to pre-order in plastic at the same time as the codex, too!).

Eldar Eldrad Ulthran

While you’ll be spoilt for choice with what powers to take on Eldrad, we’d recommend Mind War, a deadly new way of dealing with particularly troublesome characters:

40k Craftworld Ulthwe psychic mind war

Combine this ability with a nearby Hemlock Wraithfighter (which reduces enemy Leadership by 2), a unit of Warlocks casting Horrify (which reduces it by a 1) and you could quite easily cut down a key Commissar or even a Space Marine Ancient with a deadly deluge of mortal wounds.

Foresight of the Damned lets you roll a dice every time models with this attribute takes a wound, on a 6+ the wound is ignored. This can’t be used in combination with similar abilities. We’re also getting a look at two new Stratagems: Discipline of the Black Guardians and Celestial Shield.

For 1 CP Discipline of the Black Guardians will let you pick an Ulthwé Guardian unit at the beginning of the Shooting or Fight phase and add 1 to all hit rolls made for that unit until the end of the phase. Celestial shield is also 1 CP, you use it in the enemy Shooting phase when one of your friendly Guardian units are chosen as the target for an attack. For the rest of that Shooting phase the chosen unit has 4 + invulnerable save.

All in all, Ulthwé is looking like it’s going to be an extremely durable army!

What do you think about the latest rules preview? Does it have you excited to play your Eldar? Or, does it make you a little worried to play against them? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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