GW Put Out a Feature-Length Movie; Which Title Will be Next?

warhammer+-movie-full-lenghtGames Workshop combined together a bunch of episodes of Warhammer+ to make a feature-length movie; what title will be next?

We’ll be the first to admit we’ve had some issues with Warhammer+, but either way, this is still cool to see. You do have to be subscribed to the app to watch the whole thing, but if you are, it’s a fun way to watch the show.

While they haven’t been pumping out the content quite as promised, they are trying some cool ideas.

GW Put Out a Feature-Length Movie; which Tittle Will be Next?

Interrogator GW Full length filmThe Interrogator-final cut is the first feature, but they could do this with a bunch of other titles too. Here’s what Warhammer + has to say about the entire cut.

All nine episodes of Interrogator, cut together to create the ultimate viewing experience for this gritty noir animation. Follow Jurgen, a former Inquisitorial agent, as he goes on the hunt for his master’s killer through the rotten underbelly of Gheisthaven. Can he hold together the fraying threads of his life as he seeks revenge? And which of his allies can he really trust?

This isn’t the craziest thing ever, as it’s just pre-existing material, but this makes watching much more fun! You can check it out here.

Interrogator GW Full length film 2As we said, they have a decent number of titles (but still fewer than we honestly would want), so what could be next?

Angels of Death would most likely make the most sense (to us, at least), and if you see a full-length cut of that pop-up soon, don’t be surprised. This might also be a way for them to cover some ground as they wait for new animations to finish.

Is Warhammer+ Plus Worth It: Everything You Need To Know

Do you like the idea of full-length movie cuts like this? What do you think will be next from Warhammer+? 

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