GW Releases a New 40k Forge World Compendium FAQ!

FAQ-forge-world-warhammer-40k-imperial-armor-compendiumGames Workshop updated all the Imperial Guard and some Chaos rules in their latest Warhammer 40k Forge World Compendium FAQ.

Imperial Guard probably has the biggest number of models from the Forge World line (outside of Horus Heresy), so it’s nice to see them getting some love and being updated to match the new codex! The majority of these are buffs; however, there is one significant NERF we’ll get into.

If you play DKoK, they are actually getting quite the upgrade with some of the changes, and finally can have more orders issued to them! Chaos Space Marines also received some changes, so we’ll check that out too.

Imperial Guard Gets Their Forge World Compendium FAQ!

Let’s take a closer look at the latest changes from Forge World:

Imperial Guard Forge World FAQNow all the DKoK stuff gets Regimental Tactics, which is big for your Death Riders and artillery!

Imperial Guard Forge World FAQ 2This is where the big changes start. First, the Death Korps Marshal can issue two orders a turn! He’s basically a Castellan now, which is nice. Next, the Death Riders, Engineer Squad, and most artillery gain Platoon!

So that means you can take much more of them, they can get orders, and you can deepstrike your Engineers for overlapping fields of fire.

Imperial Guard Forge World FAQ 3Next up, they made it so that basically only the Combat Engineer Squad can take the Hades Breaching Drill, which sort of makes sense.

Imperial Guard Forge World FAQ 4

So, here are some interesting things to note, it looks like nothing can access the mini-Transhuman; their tanks went back to a 3+ save (as that was taken out of the Dataslate, and nothing is said here about it), which is probably the biggest NERF!

Next up, the three tanks grabbed new datasheets.

Forge World Tanks 2


Forge World Tanks


Forge World Tanks 3So from the looks of it, these tanks for sure go back to a 3+ save and have all the correct keywords. Now let’s check out the Chaos changes.

Chaos Space Marines Changes

Imperial Guard Forge World FAQ 5Nothing too crazy here; just updating keywords so they actually match your army.

Imperial Guard Forge World FAQ 6The main change here is Cor’bax gains Psyker, which makes sense, and knows two spells plus smite.

Imperial Guard Forge World FAQ 7The rest of the changes add what powers they all know, so nothing crazy but we see why they needed an update.

Click Here to Download the FAQ!

What do you think about all the changes? Will this make you try out any more Imperial Guard Forge World stuff?