GW Releases New Gobbo’s Gifts Bundles for 40k & AoS

old-foes-army-bundlesThe new Gobbo’s Gifts Bundles from GW look like they will be both for 40k and AoS, but will they save you any hobby holiday dollars?

It looks like there is a chance they will do one of these Gobbo’s Gifts Bundles every day up until Christmas. These are similar to the Old Foes bundles where they pick a group of units for an army and throw them into a single-click purchase.

Gobbo’s Gifts Bundles- Masters of the Patient Hunt: $175

gobbos gifts

Spread the philosophy of the Greater Good this Christmas with this bundle of high-tech T’au battlesuits, which form a great offensive core for any T’au army.

This Bundle Includes

– 1x Commander Shadowsun
– 1x XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (contains 3 Battlesuits plus 6 Drones)
– 1x XV88 Broadside Battlesuit

With the new codex coming out soon it might not be bad to get some of your favorite models early before everyone jumps on them. As we said though, there is no value in here so that’s a pretty big bummer as these are gifts. They are coming from a goblin, however, so you can’t expect too much!

Deadly Decadence: $155

deadly decadence

Indulge a little for the holidays with this bundle of stylish Slaaneshi devotees, including some essential units for any Hedonites of Slaanesh army.

This Bundle Includes

– 1x Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh
– 1x Blissbarb Archers (contains 10 archers plus 1 Homonculus)
– 1x Slaangor Fiendbloods (3 miniatures)

Again, this bundle is just the cost of the three units out together…

Unfortunately, also like the Old Foes bundles, these seem to have no value beyond getting multiple boxes with one click.

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Other than that, they don’t even have Combat Patrols or anything inside, so the price is just exact to what the units cost on their own. Still, if you want every unit inside, it’s easier than adding them to your cart separately.

If you do want them though, they are only available until December 31st, so not too long from now.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For December & Beyond

Do you like the idea of these GW-made bundles for 40k and AoS?

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