GW just reminded everyone that the latest 40k Kill Teams have 10th Edition index cards rules, so you play them in both games!
With there not being a ton of 40k new releases, it’s always nice to get kits released still! This week four Kill Teams go on pre-order after months of being in bigger boxes. These have had rules for a while now (well, no Drukhari rules, sorry…), but most people couldn’t take advantage of them, but now you can!
While these aren’t new rules, it’s still nice to remember them before the release!
GW Reminds Everyone New Kill Teams Have 40k Index Cards Rules
The Kill Team Squad rules for 10th Edition 40k come from Warhammer Community.
The Inquisition’s catspaws are known for their flexibility in Kill Team, and that extends directly to their rules in Warhammer 40,000. Found in the Agents of the Imperium Index, the Inquisitorial Henchmen unit starts life as a cut-price band of four basic Acolytes, but it can grow with the addition of Gun Servitors, Mystics, a Jokaero Weaponsmith, and even a Daemonhost.
The generalised profiles of the Acolyte firearms and melee weapons mean you don’t need to worry whether your choice of build options makes your Kill Team miniatures invalid. On a full-size battlefield, they work best as a retinue for their Inquisitor, and their abilities only come into play once a member of the Ordos is with them.
First, the henchmen all have the same profile but come with many different abilities. It’s nice they all have two wounds, meaning they are harder to kill and have a ton of weapon options!
If you take one of each henchman, you’ll be at +1 to wound, have a 5+ invulnerable save, get -1 to wounds coming in, and units can’t deepstrike within 12 inches! Pretty sweet overall.
Fellgor Ravagers
They’re incredibly cheap – you’ll get 10 for less than the cost of five Legionaries – but with a Toughness of 4 and the Bestial Raiders ability, which adds 2” to their Charge rolls against a unit holding an Objective, they’re handy for smashing small squads off the backfield. What’s more, they make great bullet sponges for your Heretic Astartes.
If you want a cheap unit to add to your army that’s tougher than cultists, these might be the way to go! They also get scouts, are great at charging, and get a surprising number of attacks in combat.
Hearthkyn Salvagers
The specialists of the Hearthkyn Salvagers generally act as an especially lethal looking squad of Hearthkyn Warriors, but their long experience fighting and scavenging in the cold void between the stars does bring them one extra heavy gun – the HYLas rotary cannon.
The only thing the Leagues get is an extra HYLas rotary cannon weapon option on the warriors.
It has a ton of attacks and even with heavy, with sustained hits plus grudges, you might still get a decent number of hits.
However, let’s hope the other minis from the Salvagers will eventually become other new units for the army!
Hand of the Archon
Unlike the Inquisitorial Agents, the Hand of the Archon don’t have a separate datasheet – but they’re a particularly fancy stand-in for Kabalite Warriors, and make for a very characterful retinue of semi-trusted Trueborn for your Archon.
While they don’t get any new rules, GW does mention Trueborn, so who knows? Maybe this is them putting in an Easter egg for the next codex, and Trueborn might come back but don’t get your hopes too high…
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Will yo be picking any of the new Kill Teams up? Do you like any of the rules?
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