GW Reveals New Black Library, BB & Titanicus Releases For May

new-black-library-releasesThese are the brand new Black Library, Blood Bowl, and Adeptus Titanicus releases that are hitting pre-orders for the first week in May!

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Dribl & Drull

Dribl & Drull

Leave the opposing team battered and bruised with this pair of low-down dirty players to add to your Lustrian Superleague teams. Dribl and Drull are a pair of infuriatingly sneaky skinks who will work in tandem to tackle and stab their way to victory while dancing beyond reach of reprisal. This pack contains two resin models.

Star players add great flair and power to Blood Bowl teams, so pick these up if you play Lizardmen!

Withergrasp Doubledrool

Withergrasp Doubledrool

Another Star Player? We’re salivating at the prospect. And so is Withergrasp Doubledrool, a heavily mutated Beastman with two heads and tentacles aplenty. He/they employs his/their god-given gifts in “Favoured of…” teams, proving difficult to take down, and even harder to escape from when they take up residence on the line of scrimmage. Withergrasp Doubledrool will be available in resin.

Just like the Lizardmen, this star player will be great for Nurgle teams!

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Stratagem Cards

at Stratagem Cards 1

The ever-useful Stratagem cards return in four themed packs, previously available for a limited time only. Loyalist and Traitor Princeps each get a pack of their own handy reference cards, containing seven Stratagems unique to their chosen allegiance, nine Legio-specific cards, and 10 general cards usable by any side.

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The Defence of Ryza card pack grants access to Experimental Warfare and Tricks and Tactics Stratagems, alongside 15 Legio-specific campaign cards usable with the rules found in the Campaign Compendium. Knight Households also get their own Stratagem cards, with universal Knight Stratagems and House-specific options like their larger Legio cousins.

Stratagem cards are great for quick tracking and adding different ways to play Adeptus Titanicus.

Open Engine War Card Pack (Delayed in Japan)

Open Engine War Card Pack

Whip up a Titan-sized battle in moments with the Open Engine War Card Pack – a selection of 50 cards that make setting up your games a doddle. Randomly selected cards give plenty of Deployment Maps, Primary and Secondary Objectives, and optional Planetary Effects to ensure no two battles are quite alike, and all you’ll need is the base Adeptus Titanicus Rulebook to use them.**

Speed up your Adeptus Titanicus pre-game with these handy cards.

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The Lion: Son Of The Forest #1 Selling Book on Amazon Right Now!

Click here to get it from Amazon or on Black Library

free lion son of the forest

While the description is a bit specific, it’s cool to see a Warhammer 40k book top the charts on something like Amazon! That means an insane number of people are reading it, as all the other types are sold out!

Besides being only $14 on Kindle, it’s FREE for a limited time with any Audible trial as well.

While you can’t score the physical copies, you can get the same story for way cheaper and get in on the fun. If you need something to read over the next couple of weeks, you might as well pick up your copy and see what all the hype is about.

The Great Devourer: The Leviathan Omnibus

The Great Devourer The Leviathan Omnibus

In the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, Hive Fleet Leviathan has revealed the full and terrifying extent of its assault on the galactic west. As the gargantuan jaws of the Hive Mind close on Imperial space, there’s no better time to read a collection of stories featuring these ravenous xenos by Black Library authors Guy Haley, Josh Reynolds, Braden, Campbell, Joe Parrion, L J Goulding, and Nick Kyme. This hefty collection will be available in paperback.

Get hype for 10th edition new Tyranids by reading up on all things ‘nids.

Pilgrims of Fire

Pilgrims of Fire trio

The Order of Our Martyred Lady is filled with the most battle-hungry and renowned warriors across the Adepta Sororitas. Sister Helewise and her fellow Sororitas will have their faith tested as they follow in the footsteps of the legendary Saint Katherine in a mission fraught with disaster. Justin D Hill’s Pilgrims of Fire is the first story in a series covering the major Orders, and will be available in hardback, eBook, and audiobook formats.

Pick up this great story in any medium you prefer!



Meeting your heroes is never a good idea, and it might be an even worse prospect in the 41st Millennium. Ace pilot Lucille von Shard is set to star in a cinema-pict about the air war on planet Bacchus, but the hero Imperial Propagandist Kile Simlex expects to find turns out to be an arrogant misanthrope… who just so happens to be the only thing between the approaching Green Storm. Outgunned is a high-flying tale by Denny Flowers, and will be available in paperback next week.

Get Your Favorite Black Library Books Cheap on Audible!


This is quite the sweet deal if you want to listen to podcasts or books! Especially if you’re traveling, this is perfect for helping pass the time. Here’s everything you get even at the cheaper price:

  • 1 credit a month to pick ANY title from our entire premium selection—to keep forever!
  • Stream or download 1,000s of included audiobooks, podcasts, and Audible Originals in the Plus Catalog.
  • No commitments. Cancel anytime and keep all your purchased titles.

black library on sale

Click Here To Sign up For the Discount!

If you’ve never used Audible before, the credits are really cool. You get a free book monthly, on top of all the streaming stuff you get to keep. So just with this, you’ll get Black Library books to keep, which is cheaper than they usually cost.

Are you excited about these new Black Library, Blood Bowl, and Adeptus Titanicus releases that are hitting pre-orders for the first week in May!

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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