GW Reveals More 40k Ad Mech Rules From Engine War

admech-wlapaperGW just revealed more new 40k rules for the Ad Mech that are coming soon in Psychic Awakening Engine War! Check out the latest updates.

Coming from Warhammer Community, they’ve expanded on an earlier rules wave they previewed a few weeks ago. Taking a deeper look at the Pteraxii units, we’ve finally got eyes on their statline and more. But in case you missed the earlier bits of info we’ve got them all here for you below.

GW Reveals More 40k Ad Mech Rules From Engine War

admech sulphurhounds


admech sulphurhounds sulphur breathThis is a pretty unique weapon the Sulphurhounds are getting. It’s essentially a -1 AP flamer that ignores cover but can also be shot while in melee with the enemy. Not something that’s necessarily game-breaking. However, your opponents will have to take into account any prolonged combat with them. Especially in a bigger unit where you can get 3D6+ auto hits.

The Sulphurhounds have a special rule that allows you to shoot Pistol weapons even after you’ve Advanced, increasing the threat range of your baleful breath.* This weapon can be used on top of all of the rider’s weapons, and as a Pistol weapon, you can even shoot it in close combat, making it perfect for burning your way through enemy hordes. 

admech serberys cavarly


admech serberys pistolThe Serberys’ sergeant-equivalent model (the alpha) will be getting access to the Archeo-Revolver. This thing puts bolt pistols to shame with a S5 -2Ap 2-damage blast at 12″. That’s not bad at all. The only downside is that you can only have one in a squad. At least, that’s what it’s looking like.

This weapon is carried by the Alpha in a Serberys Raiders unit, meaning that you’ll have the speed to get into the perfect position to shoot down your enemies.

admech pteraxii skystalkers


skystalkers flechette carbineNext, let’s look at what the Skystalkers are getting. This is baller right here- a 24″ assault 5 gun is fantastic. Given the fact that these guys also fly means they’ll be an awesome reactionary unit to hose enemy units off objectives.

The weakest point of the gun is Strength and AP. But a 1CP Strat giving +1 to both of those fields would be dope.

admech pteraxii sterylizors


sterilyzor phosphor torchThe flamer variant of the Skystalkers, the Sterilyzors are getting the same kind of weapon the Sulphurhounds have.  It’s just a longer range and counted as an assault weapon. The best part about this is that these are looking to be 12″ deepstriking flamers.

pteraxii talonsThe Pteraxii aren’t looking to be complete pushovers in combat either. They do have some -1 AP claws and if they charge. It’s probably not the reason why you’d take them, but in a pinch, they can rush into combat and help get through that armor save.

Ad Mech’s Pteraxii Units Get More Rules Revealed LATEST

admech pteraxii 1We’ve talked about their wargear. But now it’s time to talk about the latest wave of reveals. We’ve got a first look at their statline as well as some other special rules.

admech pteraxii statlineBoth the Skystalkers and Sterilyzors are going to share the same basic statline. We’ve got another 2-wound unit hitting the field making autocannons and stalker bolt rifles look better and better. Honestly, those weapons will be these guys’ worst nightmare. The Pteraxii are only T3 but have a decent save and some nice movement. On top of that, they’re S4 and will be hitting on 3’s. This is probably going to be a unit that you don’t expect to take a ton of punishment. But if left ignored, can do a decent amount of work.

Sterilyzors Get +1 Strength & Attack On the Charge

admech pteraxii sterylizorsWe don’t know the name of this rule. But the Sterilyzors (flamer variant) will be getting +1 Strength and attack on the charge.

On a turn in which they charge, each Sterylizor will be rolling three attacks at Strength 5…

Thanks to their 12″ flamers, we can see these guys deepstriking down and flaming one unit. Then assaulting another unit closeby. Just be sure you don’t flame the closest unit so you make a charge harder for yourself.

Skystalkers Are Mortal Wound Bombs

admech pteraxii skystalkers

With the Skystalkers Assault 5 carbines, you might be tempted to hang back and just pelt screens. But if you need to dish out some mortal wounds, you’ll be able to drop some grenades on things you move over.

pteraxii arc grenade clusterWhere this rule will shine is if you’re able to bring a unit of ten and move over something like a Dreadnought or Impulsor. In that circumstance, you’ll be rolling ten dice looking for a 3+ for each mortal wound. That’s plenty of potential to make a nice dent in a vehicle or finish something off.

We’re still waiting to see the points, stratagem support, and battlefield roles on these guys but so far, things are looking pretty promising. Especially in an army that has hardly any flying presence at all.

What do you think about the new Pteraxii units? Which build is looking more promising? 

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