GW Reveals More New Plastic Sisters of Battle Models

sister of battle horz

Don’t miss this! GW just revealed more new plastic Sisters of Battle models, and it’s the first melee-focused Sister we’ve seen!

Warhammer Community posted a new model on the Battle Sister Bulletin showcasing a Sister Repentia. These Eviscerator-wielding soldiers on a penance crusade have never looked better!

Sisters of Battle could also be getting their full release a lot sooner than a lot of hobbyists were expecting. Check out the latest rumors on the Sororitas.

LATEST: Sisters of Battle Returning Soon?

Sisters of Battle

A lot of hobbyists out there though we would have to wait until late fall/early fall until early to see Sisters in stores, Today it looks like the wait might actually be over a lot sooner. Coming from an Industry Insider:

These ladies will be hitting shelves around back to school time.

Sisters have been generating nothing but hype since we’ve started seeing their models more regularly. While this all should still be taken as rumors, your eyes should stay peeled in the weeks ahead for even more previews from GW and more!

Sister Repentia Model Revealed

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These girls are light-armored glass melee cannons designed to hack their way through the enemies. Wielding Eviscerators, an entire squad of these can lay down the pain as long as they get to swing first.

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Repentia are Sororitas who have fallen short of their Order’s stringent code and now seek ultra-violent redemption by washing away their sins with the blood of heretics and unbelievers. Whether the result of harsh chastisement or even voluntary service after failing to live up to their own high standards, Sisters Repentia are ceremoniously deprived of their holy armour and wargear and formally cast out of their Order.

Of course, the next course of action is to join with other Sisters who have fallen short. Then, pick up a grimdark chainsaw and charge into certain death. Going off of the model above, we’ve also got our first idea of what sneakers in 40k look like! -light and flexible.

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Each model previewed is completely unique to itself and they’re way more dynamic from the original Repentia squads. All of the new Repentia Sisters look to be either charging forward or in mid-swing.

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The amount of detail in each model is incredible. With the punishment partly being that you don’t get any armor you can see the exposed plug ports on their skin that would normally hook into their suits.

Original Sister Repentia Models

sister repentia

Original Sister Repentia models

The original squads look great but don’t even compare to what’s on the way to the Sisters very soon!

Everything We Know About New Sisters Models & Pricing For 2019

sister-walpaper lgDon’t miss the latest on everything we know about thier release later this year! Read More

The question is, will the squads get more rule updates from their beta codex? How many Sisters Repentia will you be taking? Would you like to see a Sister Repentia character?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!