More 40k Sisters & Ritual of the Damned Releases For Next Week

Lazarus dark angelThe Sisters of Battle train is still chugging! Don’t miss the release lineup for the wave two of Adepta Sororitas and Ritual of the Damned for next week.

Warhammer Community let us in on what’s going up for pre-order on January 18th. First up We’ve got the next big wave of sister releases. A lot of these we’ve seen through previews this week, but now its time to get excited and actually order them!

There’s also more announcements for the next Psychic Awakening Ritual of the Damned book involving Dark Angels, Grey Knights, and Thousand Sons!

Mortis EngineMortis Enging

GW has already shown us some of the new Mortis Engines but they just wanted to remind us of all the possible kit options

Kit them out with flails to smash through light to medium infantry or buzz-blades for chopping up big beasties and enemy armour.


We can also model them as a new alternate model call an Anchorite. We should expect slightly different rules and perhaps different kit options.




Arco-flagellants detailYou’ll find ten models in a wide variety of poses, with enough flail and head options to create all kinds of different looks. You can even build one as the notorious Damien 1427, first seen in the larger-scale Inquisitor game way back in 2001.

It’s nice to see little “Easter eggs” like this one referring back to old characters, hopefully we see more of it!




Exorcist detailThe Exorcist has arrived to play them a little pipe-organ hymnal, complete with a built-in percussion section in the form of high explosives. This brutal battle tank fires two different types of weapon, but both fill the air with the screams of heretics to make a perfect accompaniment to their solemn dirges.

In typical ornate fashion, The Exorcist will be right at home in any Sisters army in need of some Armored firepower.


HospitallerNot only is it an absolutely stunning character, rendered as a vignette of last rites being administered, but in battle, they can restore Wounds and even return casualties to the fight.

Judith Eruita

Judith EruitaStanding atop the most magnificent floating pulpit you’ve ever seen, she offers fiery words to inspire the troops and, well, actual fire from ornate heavy flamers, plus the deadly Mace of Castigation.

Ritual of the Damned

Ritual of the damned book warhammer 40k rulesThe forces of the Dark Angels are bolstered not only by the new rules in the book but by Master Lazarus, Primaris Captain of the 5th Company.

Grey Knights and Tzeentch will also be featured in this book, but so far Dark Angels seem to be the main focus! They also announced the typical collector’s version with different art on the cover.

Master Lazarus, Primaris Captain of the 5th Company

Dark Angels Lazarus PrimarisHe’s crossed the Rubicon Primaris but still looks every bit a Dark Angel in his new armour, surveying the battlefield with a withering gaze, his winged helm in one hand and his sword, Enmity’s Edge, in the other.

Primaris MasterYou can also build this model as a Primaris Master, armed with a bolt carbine with special issue ammunition and a power fist, including a helmeted option and a bare head with a bionic eye.

Are you excited about the wave of releases, or are you waiting for some more of the psychic awakening news?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!