GW Reveals New 40k 9th Edition Blood Angels Rules!

blood-angels-codex-rules-titleNew Blood Angels Rules are here for 9th Edition Warhammer 40k, so get ready to fall on your enemies with the fury of Sanguinius!

Warhammer Community just released a teaser for some of the new rules coming in the supplement. With their combat patrol box confirmed and the book coming soon, it only makes sense to start drooling over some new rules!

With the rash of new previews coming over the weekend, they didn’t want everyone to forget about the angriest marines! But who could forget about the vampires of the Grimdark future?

GW Reveals New 40k 9th Edition Blood Angels Rules!

Blood Angel Combat Patrol

We basically get one of everything in the revealed rules. Strategem, Relic, Warlord Traits, wargear, and Doctrines. Let’s take a closer look!

 Battle-forged Detachment Ability:

Savage EchoesObviously, the Blood Angels are meant to be some of the best combat troops in the Galaxy, driven to madness by their insane tempers. Getting additional attacks is always nice, just use the assault doctrine wisely when it’s activated! Because a ton of these rules centers around that single doctrine.

Black RageThey have redone the Black Rage rules some. Just keep in mind, all those attacks stack! So that means troops inflicted with the Black rage can get up to 3 extra attacks on the first turn of CC including Shock Assault! That is an insane amount of dice to throw out there.


Red RampageBlood Angels really like to color code things, don’t they? This is perfect for when you really need to punch through some heavily armored foes, and for one cp, something that affects your entire army is pretty awesome. Just note, it can only be used once. 

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Warlord Trait:

Artisan of WarWith this trait, you can double up on relics for a single character. While every relic still needs to be unique, you can really make a single character hit really hard!


Icon of the AngelThis is a pretty nice little bubble! There’s nothing more frustrating than missing an all-important charge. Also, it allows you to use this for one unit, and then your command reroll for another one.


Magna GrappleKeeping a big scary tank in combat is pretty sweet! Also, you only have to match the strength of the vehicle, not beat it. Just a pretty cool piece of wargear to keep your enemy’s tanks stuck where they don’t want them. If you can get one guy in engagement range with two tanks, how this reads, means you can try for both vehicles as well. Perfect for disrupting the backline of a tank company.

That’s it for the teasers for now, but we don’t have too long to wait to unleash the Blood Angels now!

What do you think of the rules so far? Are you going to start a new BA army?

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