GW Reveals New 40k Vigilus Marine Formation & More

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The first sneak peek at the new formations that are on the way in Vigilus Defiant supplement are here. Don’t miss the first previews by Games Workshop!

GW previewed some of the changes that will be coming to the game when Vigilus Defiant drops. Factions will be getting new stratagems, Warlord Traits, and special rules thanks to the formations.

As the first “official” preview on formations from GW, Imperial Fists are getting a 1CP Formation. Let’s also check out the latest around Vigius so far.

Vigilus Formations

Vigilus Open Day had all sorts of new release previews, and rule teasers from Games Workshop. Looking at the upcoming Vigilus Campaign book itself and its “formations” a user on Reddit going by CaptainBetts rounded up the major points.

vigilus defiant

Make sure you check out the first article on the Vigilus formations to bring you up to speed on the new content coming to 40k in the Vigilus Defiant supplement.

These formations are being called “special detachments” to clear up some confusion. We already know that these special detachments are going to cost CP pre-game and their effects will be based or restricted to certain Keywords for units in those detachments.

It looks like “mega-stratagems” will also introduced with these detachments and effect every unit with a certain keyword.

  • There are new “mega stratagems”. They effect a whole load of units in a detachment. For example they can give every unit in a detachment a keyword.

  • An example of a stratagem/benefit is “indomitus veterans”, which upgrades all intercessors in a detachment to veterans.
  • They are more specialised benefits, so are quote-unquote “easier to balance”.
  • The benefits only affect specific models (e.g. all manticores in a detachment).

Detachments Designed with Fluff in Mind

Iyanden Guardians

These special detachments sound powerful and most people are gun-shy from 7th edition formations. However, it looks like (and we sincerely hope) the GW team didn’t want a repeat of the last edition and are bringing these detachments into 8th edition mainly for fluff.

  • The specialist detachments are more “characterful” rather than “powerful”. These detachments won’t be for every army or model out there – they’ll just be for the armies and models that make the most sense.

  • These detachments are not intended to be a “replacement” of the 7e detachments.

Vigilus Ork Formation: Blitz Brigade

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  • …Pick an ORK detachment from your army to be a BLITZ BRIGADE Spearhead detachment. WARBIKERS, BATTLEWAGONS, BONECRUSHAS and (OTHER VARIANT) in this detachment gain the BLITZ BRIGADE keyword.

The cost is up in the air for right now. It could be anywhere from 1-3Cp as the pictures are so blurry. However, it looks like spending the CP only gives a certain detachment a keyword. Which in turn, obviously gives you access to restricted warlord traits, relics, and stratagems.

Warlord Trait: Back-seat driver

blitz brigade 1

  • If a BLITZ BRIGADE CHARACTER is your Warlord, you can give the them the following Warlord Trait. When your Warlord is embarked within a BLITZ BRIGADE TRANSPORT, add 1″ to that transport’s move characteristic. In addition, while your Warlord is embarked within it, the transport gains the “ere we go” ability

Right off the bat, this seems perfect for an Evil Sunz list as a Speed Freeks Blitz Brigade units can move a whopping +2″ and reroll charge rolls. Let’s check out the special relic next.

Da Blitz Shouta

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If the relic wielder is in a Blitz Brigade Battlewagon at the start of your shooting phase, you can pick an enemy unit that is visible to the character. Until the end of the phase, reroll all hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by friendly Blitz Brigade units with 6″ that target the enemy you selected.

Blitz Brigade Stratagems

blitz brigade stratagem

1CP – Opening Salvo  Use this stratagem in your shooting phase in the first battle round. Select a friendly Blitz Brigade Gunwagon. You can double the range of all of its shooting attacks until the end of the phase.

Opening Salvo is perfect for getting that extra bit of reach on a unit you need to cripple turn one.

 1CP – CRUSH YA! – Use this stratagem when a Blitz Brigade Bonecrusha unit from your army is chosen to fight. You can roll an additional D6 when using the unit’s ram ability and take the highest result.

 2CP – Hold on, Boyz!  Use this stratagem during your movement phase, before moving a Blitz Brigade Battlewagon in your army. Pick a friendly <CLAN> Infantry unit wholly within 3″ of that model and remove it from the battlefield. Once the Battlewagon has moved, you may re-deploy the unit of Ork Infantry unit around the Battlewagon within 3″ of it and more than 1″ away from enemy units.

The infantry unit cannot move further this phase and counts as having moved this turn for all rules purposes and it cannot charge this turn.

Imperial Fist-Siegebreaker Cohort

siegebreaker cohort

Games Workshop previewed Imperial Fists’ Siegebreaker Cohort formation recently. It’s what you’d expect from an Imperial Fist army…completely devastating buildings and all-around solid survivability. The Siegebreaker Cohort only costs 1CP and unlocks a new Warlord trait, a relic, and two stratagems.

  • 1CP- Siegebreaker Cohort Formation: Pick an Imperial Fists detachment from your army. Captains, Centurion, Dreadnoughts, and Vindicators gain the Siegebreaker Cohort keyword.

Of course, they have to balance the formation a little bit. They only have a select number of units that can have the Siegebreaker Cohort keyword. Let’s check out the stratagems you unlock with this formation.

  • 1CP- Structural Demolition: Use this stratagem when a Siegebreaker Cohort unit destroyed a building. The enemy must roll 2D6 for each model disembarking.

This stratagem would be brutal if it would include vehicles as well. There are hardly any buildings in the 40k meta.

  • 1CP-Seismic devastation: Use this Stratagem at the start of the shooting or fight phase. Pick a Siegebreaker unit from your army. For each wound roll of a 6+, inflict a mortal wound on top of any additional damage.

siegebreaker warlord

  • Indomitable Warlord Trait: If your Warlord did not move, friendly units within 6″ automatically pass morale and may gain the benefit of being in cover even if they are not wholly within a terrain feature.

siegebreaker relic

  • Eye of Hypnoth Relic: Reroll wound rolls of 1 for friendly Siegebreaker Cohort units within 6″ of the bearer.

Getting a free relic that essentially turns a character into a lieutenant isn’t bad at all. It frees you up to put Lieutenant points somewhere else.

With the Imperial Fists formation previewed, it looks like GW was sticking by their word when they said the formations would be fluffy. However, it looks like Orks definitely have the clear advantage in terms of power with formations so far.

What do you think about these special detachments? Which unit is the best option to run in the Siegebreaker Cohort formation? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.