GW Reveals New Fluff on the Indomitus Crusade

Primaris Space Marines

Games Workshop has given us another preview leading up to the release of 8th. Come take a look at the latest fluff teaser.

Warhammer Community just revealed another fluff teaser, this time it’s about the Indomitus Crusade and the Dark Imperium. Let’s take a look at what they had to say.

Primaris Space Marines

As the Imperium literally comes apart, and the forces of Chaos run rampant across the galaxy, Guilliman launches his Indomitus Crusade. We’ve heard that name before, but what does it mean? The new Warhammer 40,000 has this to say on it:

“Roboute Guilliman gathered his new armada. Along with elements of the Adeptus Custodes, a small contingent of the Silent Sisterhood, and a vast war host of Primaris Space Marines from many newly founded Chapters, the Primarch set a winding course. Strike forces from over a dozen pre-existing Chapters of Space Marines, led by the Imperial Fists, joined the fleet. Thus began many new legends as Guilliman travelled to aid beleaguered planets, breaking sieges and sweeping away invaders to bring hope back to the desperate defenders. It was not long before word began to spread, as all those planets that could receive astropathic messages hailed the return of a hero out of myth. Once more, one of the demigods of the past fought for the Imperium of Mankind.”

So, that sounds pretty promising for the Imperium.

New 40k Dark Imp Baal

Well, maybe. The scale of the task is monumental. Following the emergence of the Cicatrix Maledictum, no world in the Imperium has been untouched by war, and there are many thousands of planets that cry out for aid and reinforcement. And that’s on the Terran side of the Great Rift!

Travel through the Cicatrix Maledictum is all but impossible, but sporadic contact has been made, through temporary warp-routes, to a few of the best-defended worlds on the other side – and things are not looking good.

On the far side of the galaxy-spanning warp storm, things have quite literally gone to hell.

galaxy shadowbox

There, the light of the Astronomicon is obscured behind a psychic maelstrom of nightmares and the entire region has been dubbed ‘Imperium Nihilus’, or the Dark Imperium.

Amongst the besieged Imperial worlds in this Dark Imperium are many Space Marine Chapter Planets, including Baal, home of the Blood Angels. Things were already looking pretty grim for the sons of Sanguinius, with a hive fleet closing in on them, and now it looks even bleaker. Cut off from the light of Terra, the Angels and their Successors stand against the might of Hive Fleet Leviathan, hoping they can withstand the storm.

It seems like the Imperium is starting to be affected all across the galaxy. Is this the time for Chaos to strike? Their forces are thin and beaten down by war, and it looks like the Blood Angels next on the chopping block with a hive fleet (and Daemons at last check) closing in on Baal.

What are you thoughts on the new Indomitus Crusade and the Dark Imperium? Let us know in the comments below!

Be sure to check back in with us tomorrow when Games Workshop goes over teleporting and reserves.

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