GW Reveals New Necron Dynasty Rules

By Travis Pasch | September 30th, 2020 | Categories: Necrons, rules, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

necrons new rulesWe’ve been getting all kinds of new rules this week and now GW just revealed all of the new Necron Dynasty Rules from their new codex!

We got a sneak peek of the Dynasty rules a little while ago, but now it’s all confirmed from Warhammer Community. With these new rules, it looks like Necrons are making out even better than before.

collector Necron codexWhat We Already Knew About the Dynasty Rules

u/Drallcom3 on Reddit, posted a link that leads to a picture of a blurry Necron dynasty rules sheet. WARNING, when we clicked on the link, we instantly got about three malware blockage notices so we wouldn’t recommend going there yourself. Luckily, somebody transcribed it all and we managed to take a quick pic of the rules before we got off the page.

dynasty pixThis was the leak we saw from a user on Reddit. Now though you won’t have to strain your eyes to read them! These are basically their version of “Chapter Tactics” a cool way to give each army a little something extra. Let’s dive into the rules!

Necron Dynasty Rules – Szarekhan:

Necron Szarekhan Dynasty RulesGetting a FNP against mortal wounds is pretty nice considering just how many armies can inflict them now. It’s not game-changing but it’s something. Rerolling a wound roll with each unit is very helpful, especially when firing with your high damage weapons. Just don’t get too mad when you roll two 1’s in a row! Lastly, being able to select both of the command protocols for the Undying Legions is pretty sweet! Overall, this Dynasty seems like a good all-around choice, without too much specialization in one area.


Necron Sautekh Dynasty RulesThis Dynasty looks like it will be all about the big units, with both rules being beneficial for large units with Rapid Fire. Rerolling morale can be useful if you’re playing large blobs of Crons, hopefully, that can save them from all running off the board. Maybe you roll that miraculous 1 on the reroll when you really need to. Extending Rapid Fire to 18″ can be super awesome for large units as well. This means you won’t have to get your Warriors and such quite so close to unleash a devastating volley. Lastly, getting both command protocols in the Conquering Tyrant could really make a difference.


Necron Mephrit Dynasty RulesExtending the range of your weapons, even by three inches can make a big difference. Especially when you also get extra AP at half range. The other thing to consider is it adds 1.5″ to your rapid-fire range as well. So when you Rapid Fire you get double shots and an extra -AP, not too bad. If you’re always playing against armies with tons of tanks and armor, this would be worth trying out.

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Necron Novokh Dynasty RulesThis one is more specialized for Close Combat. If you love playing a little bit different Necron army with tons of CC troops, you basically have no choice but to pick this Dynasty. Don’t think we’ll see this one get a ton of play, but adding 1 to the charge rolls and adding AP is a nice little power spike. Especially now with all the terrain rules and having to declare and make it to all targets, who knows maybe the inch makes the difference.


Necron Nephrekh Dynasty RulesThis one is pretty interesting. Giving every model in the army a 6+ invul will on average save %17 percent of models who don’t get their normal save, not crazy but helpful. This one also adds tons of speed to an army by always adding 6″ to a unit’s move and ignoring terrain can help you get on objectives your opponent thought were out of reach. Also ignoring terrain when falling back can be very nice.


Necron Nihilakh Dynasty RulesThis Dynasty is all about controlling objectives. Counting double for Ob Sec can be seriously awesome. If you’re on an objective with this dynasty the enemy will have to have more than double your units close to claim it. And giving Ob Sec to everything in the army should not be underestimated, if two vehicles contest, this Dynasty’s always winning. The armor pen ignoring rule is pretty meh. Can be helpful but other armies just have that without stipulation. But the first rule may be good enough to overpower the second.

Making Your Own:

Interplanetary Invader Necron Dynasty Rules


Immovable Phalanx Dynasty rulesIt looks like you can make your own dynasties as well. You get one trait from the Dynastic Traditions and One From the Circumstances of Awakening. They just previewed two, for now, so we’ll have to wait and see on the others.

What We Know About Protocols:

Overlord whiteSomething brand-new for Necron Overlords to unleash upon the galaxy are command protocols. Before a game starts, you secretly assign one of the six protocols to each of the first five battle rounds. Then, when you reach the relevant battle round, you choose from one of the two directives associated with the protocol to be active for that round and any unit within 6 inches of a Necron Character can benefit from it.

This looks like the Necron’s version of Space Marine’s Doctrines although it’s not a perfect comparison. You’ll need an Overlord (or three) because with these guys being the lynchpin for Command Protocols they’ll probably have a big target on their back.

protocol of the sudden stormFor example Protocol of the Sudden Storm gives you the ability to either gain an extra inch of movement or keep a unit open for attacking while performing an action (like Raising the Banners) for example.

necron protocolsSpeaking of Protocols, here is the Protocol of the Conquering Tyrant. Directive 1 adds extra range to your lords’ aura abilities. Your Lord’s Will, My Will Be Done, and Rites of Reanimation all get extended by 3 inches as well! Directive 2 allows units to shoot after falling back at -1 to hit. Both are solid options depending on your situation.

Units are affected by these protocols when within 6 inches of your characters and you select a directive each round after choosing a Protocol at the start of the game.

This is just one of the many new rules coming out. If you want to see more of the new Necron Rules we got you covered here!

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What do you think about the new Dynasties? Which will you be playing and trying out?

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