GW Reveals New Primaris Space Marine (and Other Stuff Too)

Reiver H&S Wal Hor primaris space marine chapter

GW just took the covers off the newest Primaris Space Marine for Warhammer 40k! Check out all of the details on the new unit.

Spotted on the Primaris Lieutenant Twitter account, a new character-looking Reiver Lieutenant was unblurred. This model comes from the video we saw a while back showcasing a whole slew of blurred-out Primaris models.

primaris reiver

It could be a Reiver because he’s got the classic Reiver weapon loadout as well as a skull mask. But beyond model aesthetics, we have no idea what his rules are going to be like (unless he really is just a Reiver/ Lieutenant- or both). Our hope is that he might be like a frontline Chaplain for Reivers specifically.

Letting them reroll all their dice in combat since that’s kind of their thing with the big ol’ combat knives.  No way to know for sure quite yet.

Looking at the smoke grenade at his feet, could that be the missing Rumor Engine bit we have been trying to place since last September?

September 11, 2018 Smoke Detected:

rumor engine 9-11

A lot of you thought this smoke grenade was to the Infiltrator model out of the Shadowspear box. However, it looks like this could be a better match! A side view would really help though.

As for the stuff in the back of the picture, it looks like there’s some kind of new tricked-out Hover Rhino, a new Dreadnought, and a gaggle of other models on-foot. Either way, any more support coming to Primaris is welcome because they have definitely had a slow start from the beginning of 8th edition.

All in all, what would you like to see come to the Primaris force next? Would a Reiver Lieutenant make Reiver squads more competitive (because we haven’t seen them anywhere in the meta as of right now)? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!