Orks Get Sneaky New Boss Snikrot Warhammer 40k Rules!

New-orks-warhammer-40k-snikrot-rulesDon’t miss the new Warhammer 40k rules drop for Boss Snikrot as he leads his Orks Kommandos from their ill-fated Boarding Patrol release!

It’s been a little while now since the Orks codex came out, so it only makes sense for GW to givs him some new rules to go along with the latest miniature. It’s not a huge change, so however you played him before, he’ll still fill the same role and he’s still plenty sneaky for an Ork!

Since it’s just one sheet, we’ll cover all the changes for you, but as we said, there isn’t much difference. Let’s jump into the new rules!

GW Reveals New Warhammer 40k Boss Snikrot Rules!

You can grab the rules for yourself here from Games Workshop.

Snikrot Rules

The new profile looks nice and stays at 95 points, but feels maybe a little redundant. Let’s compare with the old profile below:

boss Snikrot Rules Warhammer 40kFrom the looks of it, the only difference is they gave him a Slugga and took away his Trait from the datasheet. Other than that, he’s basically the same. So we’re not exactly sure why they gave him a new Datasheet to be honest!

Either way, it’s nice to know what’s changing, and who knows, maybe that additional Slugga will slay a Daemon prince in shooting someday…  you never know how the games will go!

Click Here to Download the New Datasheet!

Did you like how he was, or were you hoping for some more substantial changes?

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