GW Reveals Next Week’s Necromunda & AoS Releases!

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Games Workshop just gave us a preview of next week’s pre-orders, and we’re some new AoS and Necromunda releases. Come take a look at the reveals.

Games Workshop just gave us a big teaser on what’s due to come out next week. It looks like we’re finally going to start seeing Shadespire and Necromunda releases starting. Let’s take a look at what they had to say and see what’s coming our way next week.

In the mist-shrouded streets of Shadespire, two new warbands will be battling for shadeglass, glory and survival. The Fyreslayers of the Chosen Axes, in an echo of their Trollslayer forebears from the world-that-was, seek to atone for the failure of their ancestors to keep the Mirrored City safe, eternally battling to try and lift the curse that blights the city. Led by Runefather Fjul-Grimnir, they are a slow but sturdy warband. When Inspired by holding objectives, they become truly difficult to shift, and monstrous in combat. The box contains four Easy to Build Fyreslayers in orange plastic, and their fighter cards, plus 60 cards to use in your games – 29 unique to the Chosen Axes, and 31 that can be used by any warband.

Chosen Axes

Facing off against the doughty duardin are Spiteclaw’s Swarm, a band of dastardly skaven out to secure all the shadeglass they can. The fastest warband in the game, Spiteclaw’s Swarm excel at surrounding and picking off vulnerable enemies – and when their Clanrats die, they can be replaced with new ones who start on any starting hex, including those of their foes! The five push fit models in the box are in brown plastic, and ready to be used straight away, and like the Chosen Axes, they come with 29 warband-specific objectives, ploys and upgrades, and a further 31 universal ones.

Spiteclaw Swarm

Both new Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire warbands are joined by themed card sleeves and dice sets, perfect for keeping your cards safe and ensuring that you always roll the results you want! (Okay, we can’t guarantee this, but completely unscientific studies show that using themed dice helps almost as much as having fully painted models.)

Meanwhile, in the underhive, the dominance of Escher and Goliath gangs may be at an end, as the warriors of House Orlock join the fray. The Orlock Gang boxed set contains 10 plastic gangers, with a multitude of options. Five different body designs are joined by 10 different heads, and loads of weapons, including very cool drum-fed autopistols, combat shotguns and some unique kit, such as harpoon launchers and servo-claws. There are two complete sprues in the box, giving you a total of 10 bodies, 20 heads and all the weapons and equipment you need to customise your gang to your taste.

Orlock Gang

Along with the models, there will be themed dice, and a set of Orlock Gang Cards, which give you eight new Tactics cards to use with your House Orlock gang, plus 12 that can be utilised by any gang. You also get 6 blank Fighter cards stamped with the House Orlock logo, designed to mark out your heroes.

Orlock Gang Cards

But what about the rules for the Orlocks? Well, you’ll find those in Necromunda: Gang War 2. This 48-page softcover book introduces the background, rules and equipment for the Orlocks, alongside rules for various Hired Guns and Hangers-on who can aid your gang.

Gang War2

There are also seven Dramatis Personae, heroes and villains of the underhive who can aid or thwart your rise to the top. Underhive Perils also introduce new elements of environmental danger to your game, and include full rules for the new Underhive Badzone Delta-7 tile set, which gives nine new double-sided board tiles to add to the ones in your Necromunda: Underhive boxed game. Deal with nesting xenos, insidious cults, flooded chambers and much more with these tiles and the rules in Gang War 2.

Underhive Badzone Delta 7

This week we’re seeing the Skaven and Fireslayer releases for Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. But that’s not all, Necromunda fans aren’t being left out. Starting next week you’ll be able to pre-order Gang War 2, Badzone Delta-7 expansion, and the new Orlock Gang set as well as their gang cards. Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow for the full list of releases coming out later this week, as well as their prices.

What do you think about the new release preview? Are you going to be picking up any of the new releases? Let us know in the comments below.

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