GW Reveals Spicy New Space Marine 40k Rules

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Wow, where have these rules been all our lives? Space Marine players are getting enhanced chapter tactic rules that’ll help your army keep up!

Coming from Warhammer Community, Crimson Fists, Black Templars, Imperial Fists, Salamanders, Iron Hands, Ultramarines, White Scars, and Raven Guard are all getting a rules buff to their Chapter Tactics. Check out the latest.

new codex supplements Space marine

Stalker Bolt Rifle Gets Buffed

stalker bolt rifle

Before we jump into the tactics, the Stalker Bold Rifle got a nifty bonus at 2 damage a pop now. Intercessors now have the option of toting around (basically) an autocannon.

Chapter Tactics Affect All Space Marine Units

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However, a crucial change to all Chapter Tactics in the codex is that they now apply not merely to Infantry, Bikers and Dreadnoughts, but to ALL UNITS in a Space Marines Detachment!

We’ve been begging for it for over a year and GW has finally done it! Now, Chapter tactics apply to EVERY Space Marine keyworded unit in your army.

Crimson Fists

crimson fist CT 2019

Keeping the fluff, Crimson Fists fight better against hordes. But they also got a nice unmodified hit roll of a 6+ counts as an additional hit bonus! It’s like Death to the false everything for Marines!

Imperial Fists

imperial fists CT 2019

Looking at the Imperial Fists, they still ignore cover and bolt weapons proc an extra hit on a roll of a 6+. If you combine this with the Bolter Drill strat, 6’s explode for two potential hits a pop.

Black Templars

black templar CT 2019

Black Templars just got A LOT more brutal. They still have their reroll failed charges portion of the tactic. However, they now have an army-wide 5+++ FNP vs. mortal wounds.


ultramarine CT 2019

Ultramarines are staying the same, still getting the bonus leadership and ability to fall back and shoot. Nothing super special here.

White Scars

white scars CT 2019

White Scars lists should be geared with Bikes and all of the melee weapons to get the biggest benefit. They can fall back/advance and still charge. Plus, Biker models ignore Heavy and Assault penalties on their weapons. We might be seeing Biker Outrider detachments of White Scars accompanied by a few Thunder Hammer Assault squads in Vanguard detachments acting like a fast one-two punch combo.

Raven Guard

raven guard ct 2019

Now, the -1 to hit roll will be a bit gamier. Units 12″ away will just count as being in cover (which Imperial Fists don’t care about). If the unit isn’t a Vehicle and they’re standing in a terrain feature, THEN the -1 to hit rule procs.


salamanders CT 2019

These guys can now reroll a free hit and wound roll for each unit. But they’re also a bit tougher than the other Marines ignoring -1 AP weapons. (Treating them as AP- 0). That’s not too bad considering all of the Autocannons, Assault Cannons, Heavy Bolter spam lists out there.

Iron Hands

iron hands CT 2019

The Iron Hands still have their 6+++ FNP. But now overwatch on a 5+ and any units with a degrading damage table now count their stats as double the number of wounds remaining. That means your Leviathan Dreads should always be hitting on a 2+ right up until they’re about to bite the dust.

Keep in mind there is the new shock assault rule that all marines get (even the bad ones) that makes them better in combat too!

Loyalist marines, however, will now get Shock Assualt, And They Shall Know No Fear and Bolter Discipline as one blanket ability called Angels of Death.

Between all of these new Chapter Tactic buffs accompanied with the innate +1 attack on the charge, Space Marines as a whole just got A LOT better. With that said which Chapters seem the most competitive to you?

Solid effort on GW’s part and this is just day one of the previews.

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