2024’s Must-Have New Warhammer Event Exclusive Miniatures!

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre orderHeads up, here are the two new Warhammer event exclusive miniatures for 2024, as both AoS and Warhammer 40k are getting models once again!

For the past few years, Games Workshop has produced exclusive miniatures that you can only buy at specific events. So, if you want either of these new exclusives, be sure to attend one of these events in 2024 and get those sweet new miniatures!  In 2023, the exclusives were a Commissar and a Slaves to Darkness model, but this year goes in a totally different direction for both games!

GW Reveals New Event Exclusive Warhammer Miniatures For 2024

This has been an exciting couple of years for the Warhammer hobby, and we’ve had some tremendous exclusive minis to make all the special occasions even better. Here is the latest on the new Warhammer event exclusive miniatures for 2024.

Warhammer Event Exclusive Miniatures 2024

The Hunter Strikes is a Kroot Carnivore caught mid-pounce, striking a mighty two-handed blow with the blade on his rifle. It’s the perfect accompaniment to the Kroot Hunting Pack army set that was just announced at the Las Vegas Open – this really is shaping up to be the year of the Kroot…

With so many new Kroot models on the way, it only makes sense they will also get an exclusive miniature for the year!

Warhammer Event Exclusive Miniatures 2024 2

As you would expect from a commemorative miniature, this agile avian assailant is festooned with details – most of it edible, in this case. There’s a butchering knife, meathook, a nice bone and a rack of ribs being saved for later, plus a pouch and tools, presumably carrying seasoning.

Like most years, this will be first available at AdeptiCon in March!

New AoS Exclusive Miniature

Warhammer Event Exclusive Miniatures 2024 3

The counterpart from the Age of Sigmar is a little better armoured, but still retains an avian demeanour. This is the Steel Rook, an alternate Arch-Knight for the Freeguild Command Corps. 

This guy is so heavily armored he should be able to walk through the fires of the Realms of Sigmar without any issues.

Warhammer Event Exclusive Miniatures 2024 4

They continue the animal theme of the Arch-Knights, adding a third, bird option to the bear or fish knights you can build from the main Corps kit. They’re even accompanied by an actual rook, just in case the feathered fashion statements were too subtle.

The Steel Rook has some cool little details, and don’t worry, they put a bird on it too! Both of these exclusives are cool miniatures and should make for a fun little hobby project.

Everyone loves exclusive Warhammer miniatures from Games Workshop because getting them is an adventure! These are all the most common from the last few years of exclusive releases stretching back to 2019. Whether you’re a Warhammer hobbyist or player, these minis will always make a great addition to your collection.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Will you be picking up either of these Warhammer 40k or AoS Event Exclusive minis for 2024? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our Discord server.  Make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!


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