GW Reveals White Scars Codex New Rules

RUMORS: Next Space Marine Chapter Codex Named White Scars

Don’t miss all the new rules reveals for the White Scars!  The masters hit and run have a new batch of rules coming soon!

Warhammer Community dropped the first in-depth preview on the new White Scars support for 40k. Take a look at the first overview we’ve seen for the faction and let us know if you think they’ll have a place in the meta.

White Scars Codex Preview: Making the Khan Proud

white scars


devastating charge

White Scars are getting their own special rule that plays off of the Assault Doctrine (-1 AP to all melee weapons). Essentially, whenever you first come into melee combat, your units will be adding 1 to all their damage. That means even the lowly chainsword will be hitting like an autocannon!

Warlord Trait & Psychic Power Spotted

trophy taker

There are going to be six Chapter-specific Warlord Traits coming inside their codex supplement and Trophy Taker is one of them. This is a stackable effect that can reach up to however many enemy characters are on the field. But if you’re bringing this Warlord Trait, you’ll need to have a HIGHLY mobile badass to be able to reap full benefits.

lightning call

As for their new Stormspeaking discipline psychic support, Lightning Call goes off on a 7 with an 18″ range. This is like your run-in-the-mill smite power with a recurring zap of electricity. You do D3 mortal wounds first and roll a D6 each time after if the unit isn’t destroyed. Roll hot enough and you can grab 6 mortal wounds off of this one power. (Good luck doing that more than once though).

Mantle of the Stormseer Relic

mantle of the stormseer

As for the White Scar relic that was previewed, the Mantle of the Stormseer is for Psykers only. The name sounds cool but you’re really just adding 1 to your psychic test. Not anything crazy by any means.

White Scars Are Still Going to be Bike-Themed

born in the saddle

While Kor’sarro looks to have lost his bike, the rest of the White Scars army still looks to be based around Bikes. They’re keeping their Born in the Saddle ability which is always a plus. But speaking of Kor’sarro Khan…

Primarisized Kor’sarro Khan Rules

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kor'sarro khan rules

Just like ol’ Tiggy, Kor’sarro crossed the Rubicon Primaris and gained an extra wound and attack. Remember, that’s six attacks for this guy when he charges thanks to the Shock Assault rule. Either way, it’s still more fitting (and probably better) for him to just keep his Bike option which GW has made no mention of…


At least with Moonfang and six attacks, he’ll be able to cut most enemy characters in his weight class down to shreds. Remember if you time his assaults right, there could be some serious -AP benefits.


Lastly, Kor’sarro is going to be able to do a mortal wound on a 4+ in each of your shooting phases with his trusty new space bird, Anzuq. It’s 50/50 and only has a 12″ range but hey, a mortal wound is a mortal wound.

With the White Scars preview under our belt, what do you think about the support headed their way? Are you still hoping that GW will give Kor’sarro his bike back? How many points of White Scars do you currently have?

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