GW Slips Up & Mentions More New (Chapter) Terminator Models

terminator-rumors-space-marines-dark-angels-death-wingGW may have “slipped up” and said there will be more new Terminator models and the rumor is we will see them as soon as 2024!

With GW already putting out two different sets of the upscaled Terminators, why not make it a third and scale everything in the range? So, what’s the first kit to upgrade that’s obvious? Deathwing, of course, and they have a codex coming out in early 2024!

While they didn’t really say Deathwing precisely in the design interview, some big rumors are pointing toward them, and who wouldn’t love a reworked kit now that we have The Lion and Azrael?

Before we jump into it, these are all 100% rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need. 

GW Slips Up & Mentions More New (Chapter) Terminator Models

This is the statement that got us wondering comes from Warhammer Community.

GW New Terminators

In the interview, they are talking about how they designed the new Space Marines and Terminators. First, they want to future-proof them (which is always good in our eyes), and they are a good foundation for… Well, there are a few things they could be a foundation for, but if you ask us, it feels like new Deathwing models.

Obviously, these are rumors, but with GW putting something out like this, it feels like they are starting the hype train early for the upcoming Dark Angels release.

RUMORS: Dark Angels Getting a Range Refresh This Spring

Fortunately, there are already a ton of rumors out there to potentially support this:

  • New Boxset (New Belial leading it)
  • New Deathwing
  • New Knight Kits
  • New Asomdai

It really doesn’t sound too crazy, considering we’ve seen a new Primarch for them, and GW has already confirmed the Dark Angels 10th Edition 40k codex for spring 2024. Especially with this little tidbit from GW, at least a new Deathwing model kit seems very possible at this point.

10th edition year 1 roadmapAs you can see from the roadmap above, Dark Angels will be the first chapter to receive their codex/supplement; at that point, it will be about six months (depending on when the book is released in spring) since the new Space Marine models have come out.

Another big indicator this may actually be happening is that GW refreshed the Black Templars last time their codex came out in 2021, and some of the Dark Angels models are older than the Templars ones were.

This might also be the norm moving forward, with GW refreshing the significant chapters with new models, etc. However, it sounds from the rumors that the Ravenwing will get nothing this time, as the releases look to be mainly focused on characters and Deathwing.

RUMORS: New Dark Angels 40k Miniatures On The Way in 2024

BelialStarting with the new box set, the rumors say it will be focused on Terminators, with possibly 15 in the box and a new Belial model headlining the box. GW has really been loving Terminators as of late (and now even more hints at them), so we could easily see them wanting to make new Terminator sculpts for every faction that can take them (looking at you, Blood Angels.)

Then, we’ve already seen two of the biggest characters reworked, and Belial could easily be next up. Plus, the Belial model is quite old and could use a rework!

Space Marines RevealsThe Terminators have gone up in size some, and it would be awesome to have new Deathwing that fit the new size and have the aesthetic of the Dark Angels!

Deathwing KnightsThe Deathwing goodness doesn’t stop there either, as the Knights will likely get a refresh as well to bring them up to size with the other Terminators and give you more melee options.

asmodaiAfter that, there are rumors about new Librarians coming to the line, but we’re not so sure about this section of the rumors at this point. The next biggest rumor that seems plausible is that Asmodai will also get a new model.

This is another quite old but venerable character for the line. Will he also cross the Rubicon Primaris and be scaled up for the new edition?

We may know in just a few short months!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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