GW Store Birthday Primaris Captain: Unboxed

Birthday Primaris Captain

Today we’re seeing an unboxing of the store birthday Primaris Space Marine Captain and getting a look at the sprues for this exclusive model.

This new model is courtesy of Mandragola over on Dakka Dakka. Let’s dive right in and check out this new mini.

Primaris Captain

The new birthday model is reportedly going to cost you $35. It’s coming with a nice flowing cape, a power fist, and a plasma pistol. Overall this looks to be a nicely sculpted model and great design.

Primaris Captain Sprue Primaris Captain Sprue Back

The sprues look like they’re going to be pretty easy to clip out and assemble. The only piece that might give you a bit of a problem is #4, the leg, because of where the plastic connect right about the knee pad. Other than that it should be smooth sailings.

Primaris Captain Rules

Now let’s get into his rules. The stat line and abilities are exactly the same as the standard Primaris Captain, and with a couple different weapon options. The model comes equipped with a plasma pistol, power fist, frag grenades, and krak grenades. The power fist is going to be a great melee weapon for the Primaris Captain. It’s got a Strength x2, AP -3, does D3 Damage. The downside is when you’re attacking with the power fist you must subtract 1 from the hit roll per the norm.

So for the ultimate question… Is it worth the trip and money to get a copy of this model? Ultimately it’s going to be personal preference. The exclusivity of this mini definitely has an appeal for some people, and for others the overall design is going to draw them in. At a reported $35 it’s a been a steep price climb for a single model this year from Games Workshop, but again always vote with your hobby dollars!

What do you think about the new Primaris Captain with Power Fist? Is it something you’re planning on getting? Let us know in the comments below.

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