GW Teases Ad Mech Agripinaa Codex Rules

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Games Workshop dropped another Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus teaser. Feast you eyes on the rules for the Forge World of Agripinaa

Games Workshop just gave us another preview of Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus. Let see what they had to say about forge world Agripinaa.

40k Admech Focus Agripinaa Banner

Being situated right next to the Eye of Terror would, for most factions in the 41st Millennium, be seen as a death sentence, but Agripinaa stands firm even with Cadia destroyed. The warriors of Agripinaa are dauntless, famed for their expertise in defensive warfare. Perhaps more ominously, Agripinaa is known for the ferocious rate at which it produces Servitors, expending them with a ruthless lack of remorse and never short of new raw material thanks to “volunteers” from the unfortunate refugee vessels that orbit the world following the fall of Cadia.

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On the tabletop, Agripinaa armies possess a forge world dogma that’ll make any melee army think twice about charging you:

40k Admech Focus Agripinaa Staunch Defenders

Staunch Defenders means your overwatch attacks will always hit on a 5+, effectively doubling its effectiveness! Nearly all Adeptus Mechanicus units possess some form of shooting attack, and this trait means they’ll be able to take full advantage of it even when charged.

Best Units

Kataphron Destroyers are superb in a Agripinaa army; you’ll be dealing damage in overwatch with both your Cognis flamer and your primary weaponry.

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Where Agripinaa Kataphron Destroyers really come into their own is in conjunction with Fresh Converts:

40k Admech Focus Agripinaa Fresh Converts

Does it look like your Destroyers are in trouble? Simply replace them with some new ones, positioned deep behind enemy lines for a last-minute grab for the objective, or in a more optimal firing position.

The Onager Dunecrawler with an Icarus Array is also a great option for an Agripinaa army. The Icarus Array has a number of high-damage shooting attacks that can all be fired simultaneously, which should significantly discourage any assault units looking to cripple your anti-air capabilities.

40k Admech Focus Agripinaa Image 4

If you’re want to make life difficult for melee armies (or just fancy drowning your enemies in servitors) then dedicate your Adeptus Mechanicus army to Agripinaa.

The new teaser is making the Adeptus Mechanicus look very strong defensively.  The Fresh Converts Stratagem is giving you the ability to remove units from the battlefield and setup them back up in your deployment zone within 6″ of the edge and more than 9″ of any enemy model.

That’s really going to come in handy if you’re opponent gets in closer than you would like and you need to get out of dodge fast. But on his way in your shooting units will get a nice boost to their Overwatch if they have the Staunch Defenders ability. This is going to let you get Overwatch off on a 5+ now, instead of a 6.

The Ad Mech just got a little tougher to take down.

Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow when they reveal teasers for Stygies V, a forge world so secretive and sinister they make the rest of the Adeptus Mechanicus look open and welcoming.

What do you think about the latest teaser for Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus?

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