GW Teases Apocalypse 40k Phase & Datasheet Rules

shadowsword 40k apocalypse

If you’re still skeptical about 40k Apocalypse, check out the latest rules previews from Games Workshop on units, phases and more.

Warhammer Community dropped a preview taking a deeper look into the game. From phases to a brief look at unit rules, we can get a better idea about the game.

Phases in Apocalypse

40k apocalypse

While the game may be centered around 40k, the phases play nothing like 8th edition.

apocalypse phases

There seems to be more than to needs to be more clarified on the Initiative and Orders phase still. However, the key takeaway is that the Damage phase is AFTER the Action phase (which has essentially all of the 40k 8th edition phases rolled into one). That means that both players will get to make full use of their units before they get wiped out completely. In-game it’s like both of the units are striking/shooting at the same time.

Movement is going to be a little different as well:

When you move a unit, all of the models must finish their move within ½” of another model in the unit. This is because there will be so many units on the battlefield that you’ll need the space. To this end, Apocalypse movement trays will prove incredibly useful for moving your large infantry units and ensuring that all your models remain in coherency.

On top of all of this, players are going to alternate back and forth activating entire detachments. That way you won’t have to stand around for an entire hour to wait for your opponent to finish their movement phase alone. This is a really big deal for those of you out there that know what large-point 40k games are like.

Datasheets in Apocalypse

datasheet 1

Looking at the Intercessor datasheets from 40k to Apocalypse, the Space Marines are even squishier in the large-scale version. Some of the stats remained the same. However, with a 6+ Sv, they should drop like flies (which is what you’d expect from a game allowing Titans and massive Xenos horrors.

data sheet 2

As for weapons, they’re getting two new profiles that you use depending on what you shoot at. SAP (Strength Against Personnel) and SAT (Strength Against Tanks) have different modifiers. When you hit your target, you roll a D12 and depending on what you shoot at, you’ll need to roll higher on the dice.

Be on the Lookout:  GW announced that Apocalypse’s Datasheets would be available for free download very soon. 

As we wait on more for Apocalypse, tell us what you think about the game! What unit are you already thinking about spamming? Will Terminators finally be good? Give us all your thoughts on the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.