GW Teases New Inferno Horus Heresy Rules!

Space Wolves prospero infernoToday we’re getting a much better look at the Contents page from the new The Horus Heresy, Book 7: Inferno. Come take a look.

If you were keeping up with us during the Horus Heresy Weekender you may have already seen the contents page. But today Warhammer Community revealed the official picture of the Contents page from the new book.

Inferno Contents Page

With over 300 pages of content this book is holding a lot of new information in between the covers. Keep an eye out because we’ll be posting updates as soon as we get them.

In case you missed the previous article on the first look inside the covers from Warhammer Community, here it is:

The Horus Heresy Inferno

Today, we get our first look inside of book seven of Forge World’s Horus Heresy supplements, based on the infamous battle for Prospero and its capital Tizca.

Inferno spread

The book will follow the structure of the previous 6 instalments in the series. A large chunk of this over-300-page tome is given over to the narrative of the story: the events that lead to Magnus’ censure, and the battle for the City of Light itself.

Inferno spread

As you’d expect, there are a lot of Space Wolves and Thousand Sons in the book, but they are not the only combatants. The Talons of the Emperor are also deployed in force (Legio Custodes and Sisters of Silence) and we also hear about some of the less well known forces, such as emissaries of the Warmaster, Mechanicus contingents and Solar Auxillia Regiments.

Inferno spread

A lot of work has gone into depicting the city of Tizca itself. We have seen this location a few times before in the background of artwork (often as rubble…), but you really get a sense of the city thanks to some stunning landscape vistas and maps.

We all know how this story ends (in flame) but the fun is very much in the journey.

This book looks to be jam packed full of content, and it looks like you’re going to get your fill of Space Wolves and Thousand sons. As well as Legio Custodes, Sisters of Silence, emissaries of the Warmaster, Mechanicus contingents, and Solar Auxillia Regiments. In addition to the story line, there are also going to be over 100 pages of army lists, new units, Rites of War, missions, campaigns, and a handful of Primarchs.

Copies were first available at the Horus Heresy Weekender, and now it’s coming for everyone else!

Custodes Legionaries inferno rules pdf

More on Inferno